brown rice vs. white rice



  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Ther only brown rice I like is the Uncle Ben's Fast and Fancy Herb whole Grain long rice, YUMMY!

    If you mean "Uncle Ben's whole Grain long rice fast cook butter and herb"--, which is the closest description I could find on their website to what you named--the sodium content for a 2 oz serving is 810 milligrams!! :noway:
    Brown rice is actually very good and if the flavor is a little "different" you can do amazing things with salt free seasonings, such as Mrs. Dash brand, and cooking in chicken broth, as previously mentioned.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Just had something come into my email about the rice question, so I am resurrecting this post for the newbies who might not have seen it previously.

    Here is a partial quote from the article:

    "Wheat remains one of the primary staple grains in the United States, and the glycemic load of processed wheat is a likely contributor to America's obesity epidemic. Rice contains considerably less fat, making it a superior source of carbohydrates. Rice-based diets have been used historically to address a number of medical conditions, and have gained some popularity as a means to help lose weight.

    The health benefits of unpolished, brown rice outweigh those of white rice, as its whole grain provides more fiber, iron, B vitamins and other nutrients. (There are 1.5 grams of fiber per half cup of brown rice-almost three times the fiber in the same amount of white rice.)"

    Here is a link to the entire page:
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    I'll have to try this quinoa! Sounds fab!

    Not a big rice eater either but love wholewheat spagetti is absolutely devine! x
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Try making a half/half mix of white /brown rice.... might ease you into it... :)
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I can't do brown rice. It just tastes too bland to me. I bought some frozen rice to eat with chicken and a veggie when I first started watching calories and I had to put a lot of seasoning on it and I got tired of it QUICKLY. I don't eat white rice too often except in sushi or if my bf's brother makes some and there's nothing else to eat. I'll make sure to stay in my calories when I eat it 'cause rice can be high (or I just eat a lot! lol).

    For me, it's not really worth it. I just try not to eat too much of it.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    Ok, this may come across as a stupid question, but I really want someone to help me out (:

    Ok, I bought some brown rice because its supposed to be so much better.... Here is the deal.. I was comparing and this is what I got
    brown rice has 10 more calories per serving than white rice
    more fat grams....yeah, it has more fiber, but does that really make things average out and tip the balance scales enough...
    I just would love some of your opinions on the whole rice issue. Is it better to just stir clear entirely of rice? Please help me out here if you can....thanks in advance :drinker:

    Brown rice is a complex carb white rice is a simple carb. Brown Rice will keep you fuller longer as well.
    Complex carbs are the way to go- If you cut out simple carbs you would basically stick to a healthy diet because the list of complex carbs has a lot less options compared to simple.
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    brown rice is just white rice with its "skin" (the bran) on still

    If you want a happy medium, go for converted rice. It doesn't have the bran on, but the cooking process means the water-soluble nutrients are retained into the white part of the rice.
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