Just joined and could use some help with motivation

My best friend used this and she lost so much weight. She lives out of town and i hadn't seen her in over a year. She came home today to visit and she looked amazing. I have been wanting to lose weight for a while now. I was just diagnosed with ms in November and was paralyzed from the waist down. When relearning to walk i realized how heavy is was and how much weight i actually had on myself. I have tried so many different things and nothing has worked. What I really need is someone to help keep me motivated and to keep me on track. I want to lose weight to be healthy. And just in case i ever lose the ability to walk again it would just make things easier if i wasn't so heavy. So if you could just give me some tips or something or just let me know what motivates you would be great.


  • rocketass99
    rocketass99 Posts: 537 Member
    Friend request coming your way. If you have shoot um over and I will see epwhat I can do to help. I stay very active on here it is the o ly this g that has worked me in a long time. Welcome. We can do this together