New to MFP- trying to get back on track

Hello All,

I am new to MFP. I was always an active person and managed to keep my weight in check but since last Fall I have begun a downward spiral. Long story short I was the victim of a robbery back in the Fall and got hurt pretty badly. I have always known I was an emotional eater however not being physically able to exercise of 2 months while I healed and eating high carb/high sugar products means surprise surprise my weight ballooned.

Of course I have made every excuse for myself to continue eating the "junk" food and not exercising nearly as much as I should or used to. I am hoping that tracking every item to cross my lips and seeing my exercise progression will give me the accountability I need to get back on track. I'm sure having a few MFP friends to keep me honest in my progression would help that much more. Good luck to all!


  • tracym1971
    tracym1971 Posts: 23 Member
    you can do this and everyone here will support you. I look forward to watching your progress xx
