Back from 2 week sabbatical

I just wanted to share this because I see a lot of people on here get really upset when they have a poor eating day(s) or even a bad week, and the reality is that there's no reason to get overly upset about it...

The week of May 7th - May 12th I went to a 4 day training for my work in another state. I knew this was going to make a weight loss regiment very difficult, and it would have just been way too stressful to try to eat super healthy and track everything the way I would normally (having to eat hotel breakfast, lunch at the training with limited selections, and restaurants at night) so I figured I would just forget about it for that week, and simply focus on my training (which was a great decision because I had no stress).

So in a nutshell, I ate 3 decently sized meals per day, with some additional snacking and excessive coffee intake (8 hours in a computer classroom, listening to an instructor and looking at a screen).

I ate whatever was available for hotel breakfast (hot food as well), lunch was also a hot meal offering and dinner I ate a pub & grill every night from Monday - Friday. I certainly didn't hold back when eating. I was full for pretty much the entire trip, and I would probably say that I overate on most days, just because there was so much food available most of the time. I was also not modest in the least in my food selections. I ate 4 cheese mac & cheese w/ chicken one night, chicken alfredo another, burger/potatoes another, and one night I had fried chicken strips w/ chicken quesadilla. Oh and I had multiple beers on a few of those nights as well.

In addition, I didn't work out at all. The only walking I did was around the hotel, to the shuttle and around the training building and then walked to the restaurant each night.

When I got home on the 12th, I decided not to dive right back into the weight loss thing because I just wanted to decompress a bit and ease into it, so last week I simply decided to eat pretty much whatever I wanted, without overdoing it. There might have been days that were better than others, but overall I wasn't paying much attention to it and didn't keep track of anything.

So i've been "off the wagon" for roughly 14 days, and you'd expect that I would have gained like 8 pounds right? Actually no. This morning I weighed in roughly 1 pound heavier than I did about 16 days ago. I can honestly say that I expected to gain a few pounds after this ordeal but the reality is, it wasn't that bad at all.

I just wanted to share this with you all to encourage you, and to let you know that just because you have a bad eating day, or even a bad week, it's no reason to get super upset and start questioning everything you're doing. I know that since weight can fluctuate greatly in short periods of time it can make us feel like we're not doing well or that one bad day of eating has ruined us, but the truth is, it takes just as long to Gain the weight than it does to lose it.

So just keep doing what you're doing, and don't get discouraged! if you have a bad day, just make the next one a good one. If you have a bad week, make the next week a better one. In the end, it will all work out the way you want it to, so long as you keep faith in what you're doing :)
