Office Exercises?

sdtjwp Posts: 28 Member
Hello everyone! I have a very active almost 3 year old and have been having a really hard time exercising after I get home from work. I work 8-5 M-F and really would like some ways to get some exercise in at the office. Anyone have any suggestions and how do you log the exercise? Thank you so much!!


  • cuddlegrl
    cuddlegrl Posts: 101 Member
    You can do push ups against your desk. Tricep dips against the desk too. If you care to add ankle weights you could incorporate those in with simple leg lifts under the desk. Add a weighted ball or bottle of water for simple upper body lifts like lifting arms out to your side, in front, over your head etc. You could also do core work in your chair with a weighted ball. Or (again with a weight) do core work by holding the weight in one hand and leaning to that side and then back (switch sides and repeat). If you have room and dont mind looking too silly, jumping jacks will get your heart rate up. There are lots of things you can do with resistance bands. Squats, lunges.

    Can you swap your chair out with a yoga ball? It'll work your core all day just while sitting :)

    I also have a desk job but I am at a window for the public (and I am on camera) soooooo most of these suggestions I can't do but have def thought about it!!
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    I also have a desk job & sometimes I do chair dips, body weight squats & lunges, & declined push-ups using my office chair all in my cubicle whenever things get hectic. Also if your office has a shower, you can opt for a 30 minute outdoor run or even within your building premises during your lunch break. As much as possible, walk more whenever you're talking on a phone or instead of just sending a pop-up message to a co-worker, go straight to his/her desk to personally send your message.

    EDIT: I sneak into our restroom to do some jumping jacks especially when I feel sleepy. It is an instant energizer.

    As for logging it, I usually time my workouts & then record it on a piece of paper. Then when everything is done then its time to log.
  • candi_donovan
    Replace you office chair with a medicine ball. Just sitting on it helps stabalize your core, and every few hours you can stretch out your legs and bring yourself back in for 10-20 reps, and small little bonces on it are helpful too!

    If there are stairs at work, walk up and down 2-4 times, twice a day or more if you have the time!

    every little bit counts!