pasta-weigh before or after cooked

jbwegner Posts: 254 Member
Last night I made pasta. I weighed it before I cooked it on my handy-dandy new digital scale. I had exactly two ounces and cooked it. I weighed it after and it was almost 3 ounces. Should I have eaten the whole amount that was 2 ounces before or eaten just 2 ounces of the cooked amount? I am so confused....


  • marm1962
    marm1962 Posts: 950 Member
    The box should say 2 oz dry, and yes it will weigh more after you cook it (it swells). 2 oz dry pasta = about 1 cup cooked pasta.
  • Taradise
    Taradise Posts: 302 Member
    Marm!!! so glad you mentioned 2 oz dry pasta = 1 cup cooked pasta.... I was confused. Thought I could only have like 1/4 C cooked!!