I'm just curious...

I had good, delicious, greasy pizza yesterday for the first time in a LONG time. And wouldn't you know it, I got sick! Do you think it was because of the grease (my mom suggested that's what it was!), and if so, why would my body have such adverse reactions to it now if it never has before? Just wondering! :smile:


  • sjmay
    sjmay Posts: 386 Member
    I find the same thing happens to me once I have been eating healthy for a while. I used to be able to eat all kinds of junk and it never bothered me. But when I have been eating healthy, and then have pretty much anything quite greasy (pizza or bacon cheeseburger, etc) the same thing will happen to me. I don't know the real reason for it, but in my opinion (and just my opinion) I think that it is the grease and it is almost a shock to the system. Now I don't really treat it as a bad thing. I look at is as my body is saying it is not good for me, stay away. And, it also helps curb the cravings b/c I know that I'm going to feel awful afterwards. :smile:
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Yup, same for me. I had funnel cake last week and felt terrible, very bad pain. I hear ya, I guess your body just gets used to eating healthy food and when you put something greasy in there it rejects it.
    The one good thing about it is that now you know if you eat that you will be sick, and will probably think twice before doing it again :wink: