How much weight can I ACTUALLY lose? HELP!

Hey ladies! I got a question...
So, my original weight goal was 130, but my husband and I are re-thinking how I'm going to LOOK at 130... Probably pretty sickly, lol. I'm 5'6", and I'm 211 right now. (Yay for babies! lol)
So, I'm thinking it would be a better goal to be 170, and tone myself from there... My husband's saying I will look scrawny at 170, but I'm thinking I would look toned, muscular, fit, but not scrawny.
So- ladies who are 5'6" or around that height, would you mind telling me how much you weigh? I want a rough guesstimate of how much weight I CAN lose before looking like a drowned cat. If it helps, I can post a recent side view pic of me...
I workout almost everyday (at least 6 days a week) with Turbo Fire, and I do pushups, some light weight training and ab work...


  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    Not 5'6", but your goal weight isn't set in stone. You can change it any time you wish. So as you start to lose the weight, you can stop once you get to a point when you are happy with the way you look. Everyone carries their weight differently, so you won't know if that's how you will look once you get to that weight.
  • japruzze
    japruzze Posts: 453 Member
    I started at 320 lbs. I'm 5'6". My original goal was 160 lbs. I got down to 139 lbs and looked sick. My "perfect" feel good, look good weight personnally is around 150 lbs. I like myself there. I can maintain that (for the most part) without killing myself. But most of all I feel great! I'm a bit over now (weighing in at 157 this morning). Add me as a friend if you need more!
  • Well I'm not 5ft 6" only 5ft 3" and my target is 8st 8lb (120) - I'm 8lb over that now and don't feel entirely happy so want to get a bit more off.
    I think when you get to where you are comfortable you will just know.
    H x
  • super_star_27
    super_star_27 Posts: 99 Member
    I'm 5'6" and weigh slightly less than 130lbs. Although I want to lose a few more pounds and get to 120ish I'm pretty happy with how I look now and I'm not super skinny. It probably depends on your build and how you want to look.
  • sweetbaker77
    sweetbaker77 Posts: 28 Member
    I too am not 5" 6", but I will just say every body is different. I went to a healthy weight calculator and it said for your height the range for healthy weight would be 117 - 154. Sometimes it helps to set goals in increments, and reassess as you go! Wishing you all the best!
  • KikiD22
    KikiD22 Posts: 114 Member
    I'm 5'10" and 145 in my profile pic. You're not going to look scrawny at 5'6" and 170.
  • kacieluzier
    kacieluzier Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks ladies!
    I tend to overthink things...
    With my training, I'm thinking ya'll are right. :)
  • janetb21
    janetb21 Posts: 182 Member
    I'm 5'5". I started at 255. I'm down to 165. My original goal was 150, but I'm starting to think 140 might be better. I figure I'll see what I look like at 150 and go from there.
  • Jugie12
    Jugie12 Posts: 282 Member
    Lose the weight and just get down to a size where you're healthy and happy with the way you look. 170 is higher than the recommended weight for a woman your height.. that's actually on the high side for someone 5'9".
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Just have 170lb as your first goal. Once you get there reevaluate.
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    Set your goal to 170 and then go from there. =) Figure out what a healthy weight is for your height too. If 170 is healthy and you are happy with how you look then stay there.. if not set a new goal and keep going.
  • Numbers are so relative so, as other people have said, have an idea of what you want to look like rather than how much you want to weigh. I'm 5 10 and started out at 168lbs but even then I didn't look massive (was a UK size 10/12, US size 6/8) and have a vague ballpark of 147lbs but going to stop once I can get comfortably into a UK size 8 (US size 4). I know other girls my height would are 168 and are more like a UK 14/16 so it just depends on you and your body.

    My advice would be to find a picture of the internet of someone whose body you aspire to and work towards that.

    You sound as though you have a really supportive hubbie who is taking an active role in your weight loss journey which is fantastic.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member

    ^ go here and take all the measurements and do all the little calculations to find out what your lean mass weight is and how much of your weight is fat. Then see how much of that You could lose before getting down to about 30% body fat. Then work on getting to 25%. THEN decide how many pounds you want to lose or if you just want to get down to a certain about of body fat % alone.

    Its a way that not nearly enough people use to figure out what they would be happy with - pound-wise AND 'how much my muscles show"-wise.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    PS - Im 5'10 and 170. I think 130-140 would actually put you in a size 7/8 or so.
  • cls_333
    cls_333 Posts: 206 Member
    haha I guess all people are different, I've always been thin, so 134 felt heavy for me, I like low 120s. Plus I am quite muscular. Different strokes for different folks. Do I look like a drowned cat?? lol
  • cls_333
    cls_333 Posts: 206 Member
    haha I guess all people are different, I've always been thin, so 134 felt heavy for me, I like low 120s. Plus I am quite muscular. Different strokes for different folks. Do I look like a drowned cat?? lol

    P.S. I am 5'6"
  • nikkiprickett
    nikkiprickett Posts: 412 Member
    maybe focus more on something like body fat instead, goal weights can be tricky especially if you're strength training, you may not lose any weight but you're losing fat and gaining muscle.
    I recommend getting new rules of lifting for women to every woman :)
  • strikerjb007
    strikerjb007 Posts: 443 Member
    Hey ladies! I got a question...
    So, my original weight goal was 130, but my husband and I are re-thinking how I'm going to LOOK at 130... Probably pretty sickly, lol. I'm 5'6", and I'm 211 right now. (Yay for babies! lol)
    So, I'm thinking it would be a better goal to be 170, and tone myself from there... My husband's saying I will look scrawny at 170, but I'm thinking I would look toned, muscular, fit, but not scrawny.
    So- ladies who are 5'6" or around that height, would you mind telling me how much you weigh? I want a rough guesstimate of how much weight I CAN lose before looking like a drowned cat. If it helps, I can post a recent side view pic of me...
    I workout almost everyday (at least 6 days a week) with Turbo Fire, and I do pushups, some light weight training and ab work...

    I am not a lady so forgive me. But how do you know what your target weight is? it seems random to me.
  • cks3d1
    cks3d1 Posts: 36 Member
    Im 5'6 and currently around 140 within the healthy weight range for my height. Still have some areas that I need to focus on though, goal weight is 130, haven't been there since early high school years.
  • kimimila86
    kimimila86 Posts: 399 Member
    Hello! I'm 5'6" and currently at 203 lbs. I started out over 2 months ago at 218 lbs, and my current goal weight is 135 lbs. I remember what I looked like around 145 lbs and it was dang good... I guess it's really going to depend on where I am when I get there, honestly. Good luck!