TOO Big and TOO Soon to plateau... $%#@!

So Ive been at MFP (again) fo 30 days straight, tracking/watchign and more importantly. moving. I challenged myself to exercise 30 mins daily for 30 days - that challenge was met on Sat. Lost 5lbs the first week, 1.2 pounds, week 2 and a measly .2 lbs week 3 and stayed the same week 4. Half way thru week 4 I discovered eating more to lose. I was eating somewhere between 1300 and 1900 calories and burning rougly 300-500 calories per day.

Ive seen the error of my ways that Im likely starving myself, however Im still surprised that the plateau hit so soon, giving IM 220+ pounds. I expected to continue to drop at least .5 lbs per week after my first week. Working this hard and losing practically nothing is frustating beyond belief. Now that IM reading up on eating more to lose I realize that there is a good CHANCE I may begin to gain once my body adjusts to that. Also took measurements after the one month of watching/tracking and moving and barely saw movements there. Feeling like all this is for nothing...

Anyone have a similar experience and or can shed any light on this. It's waking me up in the middle of the night - thinking what else I can do and or do differently?



  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I think you need to open your diary up for us to be able to offer a lot of advice. Knowing what you're eating and exercising helps.

    I would like to point out one week does not make a plateau. You've still lost 6lbs in a month. That's fantastic! Try a d focus on the positives.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    You haven't given your body enough time to adjust to things. It is only been 30 days, and you've already switched up your diet 2 times. Usually it takes around 4 weeks for your body to adapt to something new. And it is time to switch things up ever 8-12 weeks.

    Your losses won't be consistent week to week. But you'll start to notice an overall trend of your weight loss. But don't expect consistency week to week, lots of little things will impact your progress.
  • TTHdred
    TTHdred Posts: 380 Member
    I wish I could tell you to not stress over it, but having been there, I know it’s impossible for you not to. You are actually doing a good job with your weight loss/tracking and monitoring. I think you will continue to see results.

    In addition to (not necessarily eating more to lose- but better put eating enough to fuel) I would recommend small adjustments to your workout routine. It is amazing how resilient the body can be. Try an extra 10min (of the 30 you do) and make it something that challenges you. Both physically and mentally. If you normally run for 15min run for 25min. That sort of thing. Keeping the body focused can be more difficult than keeping our mind focused but just as important.

    I am sure you will receive a slew of other suggestions so I kept mine simple.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Expecting any predictable pattern in your weight loss is setting yourself up for disappointment. And using that unpredictable pattern as a basis for whether or not you are doing well is setting yourself up for discouragement.

    I honestly, with all my heart, hope you realise this sooner than later and save yourself much heartache.
  • thriftycupl
    thriftycupl Posts: 310 Member
    Check out the Group -- Eat More to Weigh Less. It's important to eat enough and not starve our bodies. I hit a plateau for 6-8 weeks and it was incredibly frustrating. Check out the group -- lots of great stuff to read.
  • summaryzn
    summaryzn Posts: 113 Member
    You haven't given your body enough time to adjust to things. It is only been 30 days, and you've already switched up your diet 2 times. Usually it takes around 4 weeks for your body to adapt to something new. And it is time to switch things up ever 8-12 weeks.

    Your losses won't be consistent week to week. But you'll start to notice an overall trend of your weight loss. But don't expect consistency week to week, lots of little things will impact your progress.

    very valid point Jaded and duely noted. I think I will give it another 30 days and re-*kitten* show things go. It's just and I'll hate myself for saying this after I say it.. In the past I've done soo much better in a month's time. Worried that my body is pushing back on my many previous attempts at weight loss. Ive been so tempted to go bakc into my old routine - low carbing, dukan, etc. I know those approaches will only land me back to square one. Just need to up my patience and continue to work at it. This sounds like a mind over matter situation.
  • summaryzn
    summaryzn Posts: 113 Member
    Check out the Group -- Eat More to Weigh Less. It's important to eat enough and not starve our bodies. I hit a plateau for 6-8 weeks and it was incredibly frustrating. Check out the group -- lots of great stuff to read.

    joined.. and this was what made me realize there is a good chance I am/was eating too little. Just thinking tho that the MFP #'s are wrong when my exercise is added on. Im close to my TDEE with a 15-20% cut. Currently target calories in is 1810 + approximately 300-400 for exercise calories Im back at 2200. MY TDEE is somewhere between 2500-2800 ...
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    or think of me as a knowitall ***** who isnt being helpful. Whichever you choose- good luck!
  • chocoholicdiva
    chocoholicdiva Posts: 345 Member
    It's only natural that we hit a plateau during our diet and exercise regime. It happens all the time. To everyone. But we don't hit one in a week, that's too soon. Weight loss is a gradual thing, not necessarily an instant thing. There's no real "quick fix" for weight. Unless you want to send yourself into anorexia or bulemia, there's no such thing. Weight loss is gradual, it's not meant to happen like a trip to the can, so to speak. (I know, that was blunt but I'm being honest here.) You won't lose a ton of weight every week, but you will notice a difference each week, and it's the little things that count. Take these things to heart, because before you know it, the weight will be gone!!! And that's something every weight loss person can be proud of!!!
  • mrsragan
    mrsragan Posts: 4
    Feeling your pain! I too have been working hard for the last 30+ days and no big changes. Lose gain lose gain so really no change in weight at all. I am thinking now that I am not eating enough either. Which seems weird but I will try to add in some more healthy calories and see if that works. Last week I started P90 so I am hoping the combo will help shed some pounds! Good luck.
  • ielle
    ielle Posts: 1
    I agree with the other, 6lbs in a week is awesome. If your eating the same foods over and over again your body adjusts to it. I joined the gym and the trainer told me that after a work out is when you need to eat the most protein and calories. Also remembrer as you work out you will turn fat to muscle. Don't give up. If you have a friend that can work out with you that has the same goals as you that will help. I have a workout/diet buddy and we have been doing great. Although, my motiviation is low she pushes me. Don't give up.
  • LovingLisa2012
    LovingLisa2012 Posts: 775 Member
    Check out the Group -- Eat More to Weigh Less. It's important to eat enough and not starve our bodies. I hit a plateau for 6-8 weeks and it was incredibly frustrating. Check out the group -- lots of great stuff to read.

    joined.. and this was what made me realize there is a good chance I am/was eating too little. Just thinking tho that the MFP #'s are wrong when my exercise is added on. Im close to my TDEE with a 15-20% cut. Currently target calories in is 1810 + approximately 300-400 for exercise calories Im back at 2200. MY TDEE is somewhere between 2500-2800 ...

    your TDEE should be 1 number
    that is w/exercise but still with the 2 numbers given, - 20% you would still be close to what MFP told you + w.o.

    anyway .. find your TDEE with your common activity level and subtract 15 - 20% from there .. you can then manually set MFP goal to that ( you probably already know that )

    but if you eat TDEE dont eat workout cals .. do that for atleast 1 month, then you can re-evaluate .. and of course if you haven't already done so, you should open your diary (least for a bit) so the really helpful people can help you out :flowerforyou:
  • Drastiic
    Drastiic Posts: 322 Member
    Expecting any predictable pattern in your weight loss is setting yourself up for disappointment. And using that unpredictable pattern as a basis for whether or not you are doing well is setting yourself up for discouragement.

    I honestly, with all my heart, hope you realise this sooner than later and save yourself much heartache.

    ^^Great advice.
    Feeling like all this is for nothing...
    You have to get in the right mindset that this will take time. It'll take more time than you think it will. If you're only prepared to do this short-term, you'll most likely fail. You have to be committed to the long-term. If it were to take a year or longer, would you still be here trying to improve yourself or would you quit? Those are some questions you have to ask yourself. If you're not ready, you might want to re-evaluate your motivations.
  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    You've lost about 6 lb in a month--that is great!! Our bodies don't work on trendline--you likely won't lose a specific amount every week. Also a plateau is when you stall for longer than 2 weeks--think more like 1-2 months.

    When you first start eating more food you may not see changes on the scale. Give it 4-6 weeks and re-evaluate. Also pay attention to how your clothes are fitting. The scale isn't the only measurement of success.

    Stick with it and focus on your goal - to be healthy. Getting to a certain size or weight is a positive side effect of being healthy.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    You haven't given your body enough time to adjust to things. It is only been 30 days, and you've already switched up your diet 2 times. Usually it takes around 4 weeks for your body to adapt to something new. And it is time to switch things up ever 8-12 weeks.

    Your losses won't be consistent week to week. But you'll start to notice an overall trend of your weight loss. But don't expect consistency week to week, lots of little things will impact your progress.

    very valid point Jaded and duely noted. I think I will give it another 30 days and re-*kitten* show things go. It's just and I'll hate myself for saying this after I say it.. In the past I've done soo much better in a month's time. Worried that my body is pushing back on my many previous attempts at weight loss. Ive been so tempted to go bakc into my old routine - low carbing, dukan, etc. I know those approaches will only land me back to square one. Just need to up my patience and continue to work at it. This sounds like a mind over matter situation.

    Even though it is annoying. Losing slowly will keep the loss permanent. :)
  • Breezy415
    Breezy415 Posts: 54 Member
    I agree with everyone's not all this work for nothing, Last month at this time you were 6.4lbs heavier!!!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    losing slowly also allows your skin to keep up so you'll have less excess at the end if you moisturize and drink the right amount of water and do everything else youre supposed to.
  • desert_rhino
    desert_rhino Posts: 104 Member
    Even though it is annoying. Losing slowly will keep the loss permanent. :)

    Yep... I'm in this for at least the next year, and then I plan to be "moving stuff around" for at least another year and settling into a permanent weight-maintenance routine. If you expect it all to come off in a couple of months, or even to be CONSISTENT for a whole month, you're not being realistic. Hell, a month in or so, and I gained back a few pounds between weigh-ins, probably because I ramped up my workouts and was really sore! It came off again this week, plus a little, and my weight loss graph is a fairly straight line OVER TIME.

    Give it time. You can do it!