Would love some more friends for support

mcwhit Posts: 44 Member
Hi there -

Having friends really helps me with motivation and support. So, I'd love to "friend" anyone with similar goals...

Little bit about me: 37-year-old mama married almost 5 years. My son is 15 months old. I've fought my weight pretty much my whole life. It was under control in my 20s, but I was running like crazy and not eating enough. (So I don't think that's really "under control.")

Want to get and be healthy for my little boy. And get my weight under control before I try to get pregnant again (in the next year).

This site has been helpful so I'm excited!


  • callmecaptain
    I can't say I know what it's like to have to try to get prego because I am a mom of six with my youngest being the same age as yours. Love my little snuggle bug also but I am ready to get back in shape. I was in good shape and have been up and down over the last several years. Got close about two years ago then along came my little Maggie.

    Over the next 90 days I am here to breathe working out and I am going everyday several times a day till I drop and I don't plan to follow all the rules! I am here for one reason and it's to get in shape and try to encourage others to also and I send you messages, ask questions, send advise and say great job!

    So if you won't find that anoying you can add me, lol