Confessions of a gymaphobe



  • barbarella
    barbarella Posts: 609 Member
    Water aerobics is perfect! :love: :flowerforyou:

    I'm so happy you found your niche at the gym!

    Rock on Girlfriend!!! :bigsmile:
  • mnichol
    mnichol Posts: 642
    I know exactly how you feel. I've never really gone to a gym before. Last Dec I joined the facility that the hospital I work for owns. So I started and was terrified of the machines, etc. But there was an indoor track. So I started there. As time went on I became braver and realized nobody was looking at me. Now I use the machines and am not self conscious. Just make yourself do it, slowly at first. Find something to start on, you can do it. just make the time.

    good luck
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Just wanted to update my gymaphobe status....

    I've been going regularly for swimming and water aerobics! It is so much fun and I feel so good. I know it seems strange that I would choose being in a swimsuit in public when I expressed anxiety, but what can I say? The peeps in the pool are a lot more like me than those on the machines and in the other classes. I even reconnected with my 2nd grade teacher who goes there, and we've been meeting every morning for water aerobics class. There's also a lady in the class who only has one leg. I'm not sure what happened to her, but she's so inspiring. I figure if she has the courage to get out there and not care what others think, then so can I.

    So thanks everyone for all of your encouraging words, advice, and support. It truly helped and I am now enjoying my gym membership! :flowerforyou:

    I dont care of you were long as you went!!

    Go you!!! I am going to try the water stuff at the sister gym. AND they started Zumba at my gym...yeah!!
  • mrd232
    mrd232 Posts: 331
    One thing I've been doing a lot of lately is watching Youtube videos of pros, trainers, Crossfitters, etc. and learning A LOT about form and use of free weights, racks, equipment, etc. I also take a list of my lifts for the day at hand and go in and go to town. Go with a plan, and have confidence that you're using good form :)

    And seriously, if you're a woman and pulling off a heavy deadlift YOU WILL GET STARES. But in a good way :)
  • AmyBrenn
    AmyBrenn Posts: 93 Member
    As an aerobics instructor at a gym, here's a few tips...

    1. Take music so if anyone says anything negative, you can't hear it.
    2. The first thing that crosses my mind when I see an overweight person in the gym is "good for him/her! Way to get in here and do something about it!"
    3. You shouldn't have to pay for a trainer to take you around the gym and show you how to use the weights and machines if you're not familiar with them
    4. I understand when I have new people come into my class. Stick to the back and see if you like the class. If you do, you will learn the basic moves of that class and in no time, you'll be up front! As an instructor, I LOVE to see new people and am ready, willing and able to help someone on their weight loss journey.
    5. Who of those super hot bodies there working out may be a success story like we read about on this forum all the time!

    Good luck to you!