Gaining weight becuz of my job,waitressing. Helpp!!!



  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    You probably need to think WHY you are eating all of this food. Try and shift your focus away from losing weight and focus on being healthy.

    Usually your cravings for junk food diminish after a couple weeks of good clean eating.

    Eating fresh, natural foods and staying away from junk may be your best option. Sure, you can enjoy some things in moderation, but you are making it seem like once you start, you can't stop. Try eating a HUGE protein filled breakfast to keep your full for most of the day. Pack a healthy lunch. Make sure it is something that you "look forward" to eating.
  • bitterbrownie
    bitterbrownie Posts: 369
    i found that as i changed what i ate - tried new foods, upped fruit and veg and in general just monitored what i was eating, i now find i don't want to eat so much chocolate, cake etc

    sure, i do eat some, especially when i go out or whatever but i just don't want as much.

    why don't you work really hard on monitoring the other 4 days you don't work and see how it goes?

    don't panic - it's not the food that's destroying your goals, it's you (mean't in the nicest way possible... :) ) we all have temptations but think about how much you want your weight loss based on how much you want a five minute cake....?

    maybe try thinking about what food you'll cook when you get home - something to look forward to?

    mostly, don't give up :)
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I mean, I've waited tables. I could get food at reduced prices and sometimes they would give us something free. But it wasn't like I could eat all day long while I was working. I especially don't understand how you are allowed to eat cakes and desserts.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    And to answer your question:
    idk of i should take my foods to work from home and ONLY eat those ones or eat watever there as long as i watch my calorie intake, or what???
    Yes. Do one of those.
  • msjersey73
    msjersey73 Posts: 182 Member
    Pretend it's poisonous?

    HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL:laugh:
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    I mean, I've waited tables. I could get food at reduced prices and sometimes they would give us something free. But it wasn't like I could eat all day long while I was working. I especially don't understand how you are allowed to eat cakes and desserts.
    This I've heard of plus you eat on your break too right?

    I'm having a mental image of my server dipping her fingers in my clam chowder now
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Wait why are you eating other people's wedding food?

    THIS!!!! ^ ^ I would be totally upset if I knew that the waiters were eating up the wedding food THAT I PAID FOR!!!! :grumble:
  • msjersey73
    msjersey73 Posts: 182 Member
    when i waitressed, we were not allowed to touch any food!
    it was considered extremely unprofessional (just like asking the customer if they need change---you get better tips if you always say "I will be right back with your change")
    So, be professional, and don't eat that food. Bring your own (and a toothbrush :wink:
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    I'm having a mental image of my server dipping her fingers in my clam chowder now
    Now, now. Let's keep this PG-13, people.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    I'm having a mental image of my server dipping her fingers in my clam chowder now
    Now, now. Let's keep this PG-13, people.

  • StarvingKyy
    StarvingKyy Posts: 88 Member
    I used to waitress at Applebees and part of our discount was thtat you could get 50% of your food when you ate there on your break curing your shift. Well everyone took advantage of that and you know what? They got fat. I worked 5 days a week and evry day, I brought a vegetable or fruit salad and a thermus of tea. And by the time I started the job and ended the job I'd lost a little more than 15 pounds without even trying, whereas my friend that had already worked their, despite being on the track team at the time, gained 10 pounds.
    It is good to treat yourself every once in awhile though.
    Every other Friday or Saturday that I worked I would get a 500-600 calorie or lower meal that was on the menu. It's good to treat yourself to somethign once in awhile, especially if you know whats in it.
    And good luck. Don't get a new job hun, yours sounds fun - just gain some self control. you can do it! wooo!! : ) xx
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Since this is your first post, I should give you advice.... But the way you type just gave me a headache.

    not to be mean, but what she said ^^

    do you mean 'processed foods'?
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    Chew gum. All of the time, just chew gum. Helps bunches when I'm craving sweets. Bring your own food, and think hard about every bite you put in your mouth.
    You would probably get more helpful tips if you typed like an adult. I usually turn away from topics that are typing in textspeak, it drives me nuts to have to translate, but I know cravings and self control are hard to conquer. You can do this, you just have to work for it.
  • xlolitabandita
    I have the same problem with work, so here's what I do...I pre-plan a few "fun meals" a week, and work them into my day. otherwise I have a lunch box in the cooler stocked with food. I usually have yogurt, fruit, turkey, chicken flat bread, maybe some carrot sticks...Things like that. If I'm feeling the need to nibble I keep bags of nuts in my apron and nibble on those. It takes a lot of will power, but it's totally doable!

    EDIT:I just wanted to add that I NEVER eat customers food...Where I work we have things like bread sticks and stuff laying around that we can just eat. haha
  • emiliewright
    emiliewright Posts: 148 Member
    Since this is your first post, I should give you advice.... But the way you type just gave me a headache.

    Spell/grammar check and some self control might help.
  • Jen32285
    Jen32285 Posts: 281 Member
    Take your own food. I worked as a deli manager when I was pregnant with my oldest until she was almost 2 years old. I ate like crap and ended up gaining 60lbs when pregnant. A lot of our food was fried food and I was the one cooking it all. I started working out and pretty much had to stop myself from the temptation. I did it, lost all the weight I gained plus an extra 20lbs.
  • DeidreWestover
    Have any of the people who are making fun of the way she types stopped to consider that English might not be her first language?
  • lifes_revenge
    lifes_revenge Posts: 49 Member
    water, water, water!!! Everytime you feel the need to nibble....drink :) And be gracious, don't ever accept freebies!!
  • becca_21
    becca_21 Posts: 100 Member
    I worked a pizza place for 3 years. It was definitely hard to stay away from all the food. The best thing you can do it make LOTS of healthy snacks the night before. Pack fruits, nuts, string cheese, small sandwich, etc. - Basically anything you can eat quickly, and that isn't something you need to cook or prepare. I always packed snacks for work because I knew I would end up hungry and eat whatever they had in the back. Obviously you are going to get hungry, because you're running around waiting on everyone. The trick is to refuel with healthy snacks, and not cake and whatever else you're serving. Stay strong, girl! You got it!
  • michmill98
    michmill98 Posts: 83
    Why is the server eating the wedding food? My guess (and based on working for a catering company in the distant pass) - is that the caterer has to expect a certain % of people to either show up without an RSVP or for no-shows. Therefore they need to be prepared with extra food. If the person that is paying for the caterer doesn't specify how the remaining food is to be handled, then the caterer might feed the staff the "leftovers" before tossing them in the trash.

    To the OP -- eat a healthy meal right before you go to work and bring some healthy snacks with you. If you are offered any leftovers, you need to learn to use your best judgement on portions and the item's healthiness - i.e. green beans over potatoes au gratin. Also, you need to determine if you're eating because (1) the food is free to you, (2) your co-workers are eating, or (3) you are truly hungry.

    And as a side note to ALL servers - I don't need to watch and/or listen to you chomp on your gum while you are working! It's disgusting AND unprofessional.