Horrible weekend!

irunsf85 Posts: 74 Member
I had a horrible weekend with my nutrition... This weekend, I just binged on carbs the whole entire time. Lots of sugar and bread.

I tried to increase my calorie intake during the week to prevent these "binge" moments but even eating between 1400-1700 cals a day, I still can't resist the refined carbs. It's so frustrating and getting me really down. On Friday, I weighed in at 120 and this morning I weighed 125. I know MOST of it is water retention but to see the numbers on the scale increase is just disheartening. I feel so horrible and down about myself. I'm also feeling incredibly bloated.

I really just needed to vent... I'm trying to get an appointment with a nutritionist this week so hopefully I'll find a way to stick with healthy eating.



  • estrange22
    estrange22 Posts: 210 Member
    I am in your boat! So, I decided all we can do is get to work and row the dang boat. Meaning exercise, chug water and start over with the eating. We will fall out of the boat several times on this voyage of life, but as long as we remember how to swim we will keep getting back in the boat and row to our destination :-)
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Every day is a new day and a chance to make healthier choices. :smile: You can't change what happened over the weekend, but you can resolve to make a fresh start today! Drink plenty of water, and keep healthy snacks handy throughout the day. And if those refined carbs that tempt you are in your home - get them out! Can't eat 'em if they're not there.

    You can do it!