New here! A runner!

I'm 27, a hairstylist, diy fanatic, (my blog is if you're curious) and runner.

I took up running last year after realizing that among the people I admired most there was an overwhelming percentage of them that jogged regularly and trained for races. It took me this whole last year to feel like I've really got the habit incorporated into my life and while there are still plenty of days where I don't feel like it, I'm happy for doing it.

Exercise was never really my enemy, it was just hard to stay consistent and make time for it. Now that I'm getting closer to 30 I am seeing that exercise just isn't enough. I've been avoiding examining my diet, but deep down I know it's the reason I feel pretty good, and look pretty good, but I'm not where I'd like to be.

I'm hoping this app/site will show me where I can improve and help me achieve my goals.
I have a 10 lb weight loss goal listed, but honestly that's more about being in a place where I can achieve my BIG GOALS:

SUB 25 MIN 5K! (September)

If anyone wants to friend me (however that works...I am new here?!) I'd love the mutual support. Thanks for reading and HELLO!


  • blgerig
    blgerig Posts: 174 Member
    I joined for similar reasons! Started running a couple of years ago... took quite awhile til I actually started feeling like a "real runner" though. I just finished my third half marathon. This site has helped me plan and pay attention to what I eat and has also increased my exercise goals! Sent a friend request :)
  • trout3063
    trout3063 Posts: 121 Member
    Hello and welcome! I've been here a little over a year, but your story on running sparked MY interested as I HATED running, but took it up last August and now I'm 'in training' for a relay 'running' race that I once said I would 'never do'!!! I've come to look forward to my runs and would love to get these last 10 lbs off! Although I would happily stay this weight if I looked just a bit trimmer in a swimsuit!
  • Davidneuman
    Hey ladies

    I'm a life long runner and always try to manage my weight (usually it manages me). I have run 29 full marathons since 1981 (before most of you were around) with the last one being the NY City Marathon last november finishing with a PR in 4:27. And I'm still running! A bit sore as I am aging. I used to be a volunteer marathon coach and ran my own marathon training program.
    Happy to answer questions you may have. If your healthy and have good knees I'd suggest training for one.
    Takes about 6 months- so start now for a late fall race. The training is a slow build every week but before you know it you'll be there. And the feeling of crossing the finish line is amazing. Let me know if I can help.
  • amphion
    amphion Posts: 48
    Welcome. I used to be a runner. Alas, I can no longer run due to an injury. Probably part of the reason I ended up here. But, I can still walk, so I have that. I am planning on hiking the 2600 miles of the PCT trail next year.