Help! I'm going the wrong way!

Hello there, I'm looking for help to get back on track. I lost 50 pounds on Weight Watchers over the last 2 years (my goal was a total of 65 pounds). However, over the last six months I've been putting it back on! I haven't even had the courage to weigh myself lately but I'm pretty sure I've gained at least half (25) of it back! Weight Watchers is NOT working for me at the moment and I need another alternative. Alas, here I am. How do I get started again on my weight loss journey?


  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Welcome! Start logging your food in the diary - all of your food. Counting calories works differently than WW, so you'll have a bit of a learning curve if WW is the only program you've used before. If you have 40 pounds to lose, you should set your calorie deficit to lose about 1 pound a week (IMO, lots of people will have differing opinions.)
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    what is your eating like? if you followed weight watchers but went back to your old eating habits then of course you will gain the weight back
  • GLJezebel
    GLJezebel Posts: 312 Member
    Start logging your food, drinking a lot of water, and doing a little exercise. Welcome!
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    First you need to weigh yourself. That will be a wake up call. Then you may need to re-evaluate what is in the fridge right now. I would also post pics of your goal body or of your weight goals all over so you can't miss them. Good luck and keep logging in.
  • AmyParker979
    AmyParker979 Posts: 84 Member
    I'm currently on WW as well (because I just found MFP) and this IS much different. I think I'm going to like this better!

  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    6624sw, Weight Watchers is just a tool that can either work for you or not... But ultimately it's not the tool that is responsible for your weight loss, it is your own determination and motivation. I'm not going to say "don't blame the program, blame yourself" but it's important to understand WHY weight watchers isn't working for you. Do you not feel the motivation to exercise? Do you overeat? Do you eat food that is very high in calories? Where exactly is your program failing you, and what do you need help with?
  • Dr1brown
    Dr1brown Posts: 1
    Twelve years ago I quit smoking and put on 25 pounds seemingly overnight. I’ve been carrying that 25 pounds (+/- 5) around ever since. Of course you know the simple answer to your question – Move more and eat less. And I know that’s not what you’re asking. Here’s what finally did it for me (I’ve lost 20 of those extra pounds). Change your focus. Speaking for myself, when my focus was a specific weight target, once I reached it, I would let up and the weight would eventually return.
    We all experience life changing events. Some we choose, some we don’t. Some are pleasant, some are not. Some are planned, some are not. Examples – Marriage or Divorce, Job change, Moving, Birth of a child, Loss of a loved one. In each case, life is different after as compared to before. Also, in each case, we survive and very often thrive.
    The focus needs to be a lifestyle change. Eat smarter (better food in sensible portions) and move more (regular workouts, take the stairs, go for walks, anything) – for the rest of your life. (I have found MFP to be a very effective tool to keep track of my food and exercise.) A weight target is important, but it is only ancillary to what should be the real goal – a new lifestyle. You know you can do it, because you’ve done it before.