
TheWayIUsed2Be Posts: 70
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
My weigh in day isnt until Monday and I have been weighing myself a few days here and there and had even lost since my last official weigh in, This am i got on the scale and it was up almost 5 pounds! i havent gone over my calories, i work out had a great workout yesterday and i drink all my water.

What do you think it could be? too much salt? retaining water? my body feels so sore today....i hate this because it makes me want to go back into my eating phase. This is the first time in 2 weeks its done that :sad: and its not tom yet either....


  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member

    You can't do that or you will drive yourself nutz (or in my case, nuttier!)

    Your body flucuates 1-5 pounds DAILY. Read around the old threads, lots about that.

    Like yesterday. I was 136 (woot BTW!!) I ate a nice meal at Thai place which was loaded with sodium. Today I am up 3 pounds.......but I only got on the scale to be funny-joking with someone.

    I ONLY weigh 1x a week. This gives you a real idea of your weight and weight loss.

    Join one of the Teams, and be accountable for 1 day of weigh in a week.

    You will be fine.

    Now get into yoga stance, and meditate...........stress brings on tummy fat:wink::laugh:
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    QUIT WEIGHING YOURSELF! You are going to drive yourself crazy. Our bodies have normal fluctations. You can't keep letting this get to you. I would go so far as to say not to even weigh every week. Maybe twice a month.

    Keep on your eating plan and keep exercising. Use a tape measure and measure yourself monthly. Also use your clothes. Are they fitting better? Are they getting tighter? Those will be better markers of true loss.

    Remember the scale isn't always our friend. So don't let those numbers rule your life.
  • jolinemariem
    jolinemariem Posts: 462 Member
    like they said wheigh yourself once a week or less and do it in the morning before you eat after you go to the bathroom that is when you will way the least all day
  • jerzgrl03
    jerzgrl03 Posts: 15 Member
    I really relate to your struggle with weighing yourself on non-check in days. I tend to weigh myself too often and find it VERY easy to derail yourself if you find you have "gained". Personally I tend to retain A LOT of water "that time of the month" so I have to remember not weigh myself that week at all. Plus, just daily changes in what I eat, I am prone to water weight.

    Also, don't forget that you could have just gained muscle! Anyway, hang in there and don't let this throw off your eating or get you stressed. I am sure everything will be fine come Monday!!


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  • Just a thought...where you are in your cycle can have a lot to do with weight.It is really hard for me to lose weight the week before my period but when my hormones go back to normal after I can lose weight again.
    Try and put your personal scale away and find someplace else to weigh yourself, just once a week. I weigh myself at work every Saturday night because I know that if I weigh myself anywhere or any other time that I will mentally talk myself around and around if it is a plus or minus.
    These are just things that are helping me. Hope that helps. :)
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    Loosing weight is what you eat over a period of time. You should only be loosing a pound or 1/2 pound a week. Just keep up the good work. The lady that said you gain during your period is so right so don't count that week.
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    OH make sure you go to the bathroom before weigh in. It can make a lot of difference.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Step away from the scale. . .

    read this:

    And go buy a tape measure.:flowerforyou:
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    Unless you've been eating non-stop cream puffs there is NO WAY you can gain 5 pounds in a few days. It's normal fluctuation throughout the day and the month.

    Incidentally, once I weighed myself before going to the bathroom and, just for fun, afterward as well. I had GAINED a pound. :noway: That's when I figured I need a new scale. :laugh:
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