You Shouldn't Be Eating That ???



  • momtokgo
    momtokgo Posts: 446 Member
    The only time I say anything is when someone close to me is complaing about how they can't lose weight, and their hand is in a big bag of chips ,or they are eating a big mac or drinking a coke. Then I'll say something, I don't need to listen to someone complain if they aren't going to help themselves at all.

    Or if someome (and this really did happen) is in the middle of lecturing me and my kids on proper nutrition, while they are drinking a coke. Really? BTW, she was lecturing my daughter who eats better then most adults I know. Her favorite vegetable is spinach.
  • DrJanet98
    DrJanet98 Posts: 138 Member
    I think there are always two responses to any given situation. One is negative (ie they're judging me and I'm pissed off about it), and the other is positive (I may not like the comment but they are saying it because they care about me).

    That's how I decided to think about it when someone asks me when the baby is due. They intended to be friendly and caring, and it's really not their fault the unfortunate way my excess fat is distributed. I can either get mad at them, or smile and gently let them know that I'm not pregnant but I appreciate the sentiment. They're usually a lot more embarrassed than I am, and hopefully won't be too quick to make that assumption in the future and possibly hurt someone else's feelings, someone more sensitive about such things.

    Now, if that were followed up with a lecture on how easy it would be to be as skinny as they are if I'd just eat less and exercise more, *then* I'll let them have it with both barrels.... <eg>
  • Insangelous
    Insangelous Posts: 33
    People should mind their own business.