Supplements for fertility

I am wondering if anyone has taken any herbal supplements that have helped with fertility...I have started taking vitex and I also got a woman's tea from whole foods that is supposed to regulate hormones, but any advice would be awesome. I am at a healthy weight, but have not been able to conceive (been trying for 9 months). My dr wanted to do a bunch of tests and use some prescriptions but I would like to go the natural route. I have also heard that acupuncture may help...anyone have any tips?


  • phinphanbill26
    phinphanbill26 Posts: 574 Member
    It took us 16 months to conceive the first child. My wife has PCOS. We, well she, had to take her temperature to determine the right time to try to conceive. It was a lot of hard work (pun intended). We conceived the second child on the first try. Weird, huh?
  • mccollumse
    mccollumse Posts: 84 Member
    go to fertility friend website. Awesome website. The community boards are great.
  • grimm1974
    grimm1974 Posts: 337 Member
    Folic acid is one to look at. It can aid male and females with possible fertility issues. It is also beneficial during a pregnancy as well to help avoid certain birth defects. I started taking when my wife and I were having a hard time conceiving.
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    Buy this book & chart your base body temps & CM. You will need a special thermometer, and eating baby carrots & drinking grapefruit juice are rumored to improve the quality of your CM.
  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    Hi there, TTC 13 years, 2 pregnancies (both M/C) and a PCOS sufferer. No help whatsoever from the doctors, so I've been on a supplement regimen now for 2 years and have a cycle I can rely on for the first time since I started puberty!!

    I wrote a blog I hope can help you, happy to chat if you want clarification on anything:
  • kd_mazur
    kd_mazur Posts: 569 Member
    have you tried to track your basal body temperature? Search for it...there are plenty of charts to download from the internet and it's not hard to do, it just takes some dedication:) Also search natural family planning.
  • graynor
    graynor Posts: 3
    I am all about natural too! We're TTC #2 and have been doing a TON of reading (we didn't have to try for DD). Evening Primrose Oil is supposed to help increase cervical fluid when taken CD1 until ovulation. I just started taking it. Also, you're probably already charting but if not I would start that ASAP. The book I'm currently reading is called Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler, is EXCELLENT and very helpful for those TTC or want to do natural methods of prevention as well. It's important to remember that all women are different, having real insight into your body is key! Good luck and happy baby dancing!!
  • MsFargo
    MsFargo Posts: 27
    8 Weeks to Women’s Wellness is a great read on the subject of PCOS, inftertility and general wellness.

    "BHRT is a safe alternative treatment for hormone imbalances. BHRT is not just for menopausal women, but can be used to manage a variety of diseases including PMS, PCOS, Thyroid disease, Infertility, Fatigue, Depression, and Bipolar disease, and anxiety."

    I'm a big believer in getting your hormones regulated prior to trying to "correct" anything with medications that are foreign to our body.
  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    I heard sperm helps

    Really not helpful when you're struggling with infertility. Thanks for stopping by.
  • sarahreischel
    Thanks everyone! I am going to start tracking my temp first and see how that goes. Wish us luck ;)
  • blondiecheme
    blondiecheme Posts: 15 Member
    I am in the same boat... I've been reading a lot and found some interesting info. We have been TTC for 8 months with no luck so I am switching to an all-natural diet and eliminating alcohol and caffiene except for green tea. The things I have read to do are to have:

    - At least one serving of whole dairy a day. It must be full fat, low fat and fat free actually reduce fertility by 27%
    - Drink green tea, it has shown to double fertility in women when consumed daily
    - Take prenatal vitamins
    - Increase exercise. I just started doing 5 hours per week of yoga or pilates to increase blood flow.

    And what not to do:

    - No alcohol... 1-5 drinks per week reduces fertility by 20% and 5+ drinks per week reduces fertility by 50%
    - No caffiene, 200mg + reduces fertility by 50%
    -Don't use lubrication, it kills sperm. Even fertility friendy lubricants and saliva can harm sperm.
    -No artificial sweeteners like aspartame or splenda

    Anyways, I am by no means a doctor, this is what I have collected online from just perusing different websites, but it all pretty much makes sense. They are all general health guidelines which I probably should be doing anyways : ) Good luck to you, I know how frustrating it can be. I had my iud removed 8 months ago and was positive I would be preggers by now. I just finished grad school last week so now I want to do everything in my power to try and make this work : ) If you find anything good please let me know!