
I heard somewhere that you are supposed to divide your weight in half, and that is how many ounces of water you should drink a day. I am a large lady, and that puts me at 125 ounces of water a day!
Is that correct? Can that be too much water?


  • FindingMinnieMe
    FindingMinnieMe Posts: 5 Member
    That's what my trainer told me whenI had a fiteness assessmet done!
  • skingszoo
    skingszoo Posts: 412 Member
    That is what I have heard as well. I usually drink MORE oz than I weigh. I weigh 152 and drink about 160oz a day so no it is not too much.
  • loseiteli
    loseiteli Posts: 242 Member
    I drink at least 1/2 my weight in water :smile: I haven't floated away yet!
  • MattHylton
    MattHylton Posts: 10 Member
    I was always told for every 10 lbs over what your weight should be is an extra 8oz or glass of water. I however am 542 and I drink 3-4 64oz containers of water a day.