Starting C25K



  • terraskye
    terraskye Posts: 370 Member
    Hi :)

    So I started the C25K program week one this week. I'm 25 but overweight by about 100 lbs :( So running for me is a BIG challenge, even just running for that minute in week 1 is hard for me.

    I've started it before but given up before I really got anywhere. A friend of mine said she'd do it with me because one of my goals for this year is to run a 5K :)

    Well...she's completely flaked out and I don't want to give up on myself.

    Is anyone out there starting week 1 too? Hopefully someone is starting as well, I could use the motivation and support with it :)

    I'm restarting week 1 tomorrow :) I have a 100lbs approximately to lose. I first did week 1 last week but it was not as well as I hoped so I'm hoping restarting will work. Running for the full minute is hard for me also but I did what I could and then tried to tack on extra jogs when coming home.

    Feel free to add me if you'd like:)
  • Seokie
    Seokie Posts: 197 Member
    If anyone wants extra support for this - feel free to add me :)
  • kayjay91
    kayjay91 Posts: 9
    I started Week 1 today! I love it! I have a history of running, but since graduating high school I have totally stopped exercising.. I'm back and ready to start running again! I did a little extra walking this morning, and I feel great. Though I know it'll get harder before it gets better, I'm hoping I'll have this refreshed and accomplished feeling after most days! =D
  • yallcallmedeb
    yallcallmedeb Posts: 294
    I had read (somewhere....can't find it now!) that you should follow the program exactly as designed for best results. Now, if you are already a runner, I would think that wouldn't necessarily apply to you but for those of us who are truly couch potatoes, or have never run a mile in our lives, I think that it is good advice. Our muscles need the day of rest in between sessions in order to repair themselves. If we do too much, we risk injury and set-back.

    I am doing extra walking sessions but I have been doing those for quite some time now. I also do workout videos and sometimes elliptical. I do not do any jogging or running other than to cross a street with a car coming during my walks or to keep up with my daughter going downhill on her bike! Both of those are very short distances.
  • Seokie
    Seokie Posts: 197 Member
    Thanks guys :)
  • DLB13
    DLB13 Posts: 4
    I did c25k last year, I wanted to run the race for life. It was the best thing. Yes I repeated a week if I needed to. But I got there.
    You will to. Keep going, you'll get hooked.
  • Seokie
    Seokie Posts: 197 Member
    As soon as I'm done with work, I'm heading to the gym to knock out day 3 of week 1 :)
  • rbcca19
    rbcca19 Posts: 91
    I love this app! I'm on week 8 currently and I am able to run for 45 minutes straight. Week 8 is actually running for 25 minutes, but because of this app, I am able to go for longer.

    I have not ever been a runner and wasn't even exercising before starting this app, so I am totally grateful for this app.

    My advice would be to make sure you have a good pair of running shoes so you don't get injured. Go into a store and get fitted correctly because it makes all the difference. They will most likely run you around $100, but if you're serious about running it's worth the investment and it also helps keep you from injuries. Also, I recommend wearing clothing that is cotton free. It helps wick away the sweat and keep you dry. That may be for later down the line when you're running more than walking, but it's good to keep in mind eventually.

    Have good music or a good audiobook. Those can help keep you distracted. A lot of my problem is mental. I think I can't do it. Tell yourself that you can, because you can. You can do hard things. I thought I was going to die in week 1. I honestly thought there was no way I could do it, let alone run. You can do this. You set your own pace, so don't feel like you have to be faster than anyone else. It's about you and what you want and you can do it.

    Last week I did a 4 mile run. I am shocked I can even do it, honestly. Good luck and stick with it! It's so worth it, I promise.
  • Seokie
    Seokie Posts: 197 Member
    I love this app! I'm on week 8 currently and I am able to run for 45 minutes straight. Week 8 is actually running for 25 minutes, but because of this app, I am able to go for longer.

    I have not ever been a runner and wasn't even exercising before starting this app, so I am totally grateful for this app.

    My advice would be to make sure you have a good pair of running shoes so you don't get injured. Go into a store and get fitted correctly because it makes all the difference. They will most likely run you around $100, but if you're serious about running it's worth the investment and it also helps keep you from injuries. Also, I recommend wearing clothing that is cotton free. It helps wick away the sweat and keep you dry. That may be for later down the line when you're running more than walking, but it's good to keep in mind eventually.

    Have good music or a good audiobook. Those can help keep you distracted. A lot of my problem is mental. I think I can't do it. Tell yourself that you can, because you can. You can do hard things. I thought I was going to die in week 1. I honestly thought there was no way I could do it, let alone run. You can do this. You set your own pace, so don't feel like you have to be faster than anyone else. It's about you and what you want and you can do it.

    Last week I did a 4 mile run. I am shocked I can even do it, honestly. Good luck and stick with it! It's so worth it, I promise.

    That is AMAZING! Congrats on your run!!! I do have an awesome playlist - 10 gb of inspiration just for working out :)

    I finished my 3 sessions of week 1 today and I plan on doing one or two more this week before starting week 2 next sunday :)

    I should look into getting good shoes - right now to watch $ I just picked some up at payless but as I start to run more, I'll DEF look into getting fitted properly.