night time munchies

jmach002 Posts: 113 Member
I get major night time munchies! does anyone have any tips or suggestions to beat them? my day is wonderful until around 6-7 at night where i get munchies like no other!!


  • nicca83
    nicca83 Posts: 9 Member
    Are you eating enough during the day. I am not sure what could be causing it because I dont usually snack after dinner but maybe if you HAVE to have something to eat make it a piece of fruit or some chopped up veges or something healthy so you dont feel so guilty about doing it.
  • jmach002
    jmach002 Posts: 113 Member
    typically before the munchies kick in i am around 900-1000 calories after dinner
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,266 Member
    typically before the munchies kick in i am around 900-1000 calories after dinner

    Eat more.
  • jmach002
    jmach002 Posts: 113 Member
    how much more? how would that keep me from munching at night?
  • amethysts269
    amethysts269 Posts: 28 Member
    Try eating more during the day and drink water after dinner... when that happens to me I find if I drink water it helps heaps and is enough that I don't need to eat.
  • jiggalude
    jiggalude Posts: 53
    I have the same issue. If I can't ignore it by drinking water or some crystal light, I just eat a couple of hard-boiled eggs w/o the yolks. That usually works for me!
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    If you have the calories, then eat. Your body might actually need the food. Just make good choices. Try some raw veggies with hummus or lowfat cream cheese or salsa or a greek yogurt dip. If you are just craving "snack food", try a 100 calorie bag of popcorn.
  • jmach002
    jmach002 Posts: 113 Member
    thanks for all the tips so far! its so hard to think that eating more calories might be what i need to stop munching at night
  • katenmills
    katenmills Posts: 113 Member
    what daily cal intake has MFP told you to eat for your weight loss goals?? you should really be eating at least 1200. try meeting 1200 after dinner and see if it helps. if not, you just have to find healthy snacks. watermellon is great - very filling, low cal. also sugar-free jello, low calorie cup-a-soups, frozen yogurt, beef jerky, celery/carrot/cucumber sticks dipped in salsa, hommus or nut butter. popcorn is also filling with surprisingly low cals (obviously not triple butter flavour - check packaging), small serving rice crackers. for me, a pot of herbal tea around 8pm helps keep my nighttime cravings in control :)
  • valiant_1
    valiant_1 Posts: 18
    I hear ya!

    I get a late-night snack attack that is really gnarly and definitely has the potential to put me out of bounds with my calories for the day. When it's that time of the month, I feel like I have have to manually install the "satiated" button and push it myself throughout the day otherwise I'd eat to satisfy every craving...

    The worst part about snack attack late in the day is that we burn fewer calories when we're sleeping than say, when we're being active during the day. So implementing a counter action to the snacking, for me anyway, has been key to staying on track.

    I think that everyone's food cravings are different and hit them at different times. But personally, I have observed since using MFP that I often get cravings when I haven't eaten enough of the right things in a day. On my best days, rather than just straight up snacking to quell the craving, I'll log in to take a look at what I ate that day and see what might be causing me to have a craving. It's usually a result of too many carbs and not enough protein. If there's room in my overall count for the day, I'll have something healthy. If not, I'll drink a glass of water with lemon. Or a hot cup of tea.

    Dehydration and fatigue are also HUGE causes for a snack attack. So making sure I get enough sleep, and that I drink enough water, will usually keep me in a balanced state.
