Just starting out need help

Hello, Im just starting out here and I need some help at understanding what I should be doing, I have 9 month old twin girls after I had them I got down to 10lbs away from my pre pregnancy weight but 20 lbs away from what my ideal weight would be, I have been doing Ab and strength training since I had them and nothing seems to be working, so I can hear for help it gave me around 1500 calories to eat I went on www.fat2fitradio.com/tools and it told me I needed to eat 2009 so now Im condsued on how much I should eat, I walk almost every day for atleast 30 mins with my girls and do Ab work every day. But should I lose the weight first and then do the strength and ab work and just keep walking everyday or should I jus walk everyday then do my ab work after the fat comes off. I really need help I dont know what Im doing but Im not comfortable in my skin anymore after I have the babies and I dont have time to be depressed about it anymore I have 2 babies to look after!!! HELP!!


  • notjusttheirmum
    Hi, you sound like you are on the right track with walking and doing ab work daily. If you are wanting to lose weight your calorie intake is lower than if you just wanted to maintain your weight so 1500 calories sounds about right if you are trying to lose weight. Working out while you are trying to lose weight is ideal so definately keep that up, my only suggestion would be to maybe mix it up a little, dont do the same exercise daily, challenge your body a bit more and vary things.
    You are in the right place for support from others on mfp, we all know what you are going through, so add a few friends on here for support and keep up the good work. You are making a change, good on you :-)
    Feel free to add me if you want to.