not a good night



  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    First drink two BIG and I mean BIG glasses of water right now. Sometimes a craving just means you are dehydrated. Wait 10 minutes, hopefully the craving will pass but if it doesn't....

    I say stay away from the skinny cow and other similar products, those just make me want to eat more!! Try something that will really fill you up fast instead- like a piece of whole wheat toast with PB (only about 300 cals). You could try peanut butter and raisins on celery also.

    Sometimes the best thing is just to distract yourself for a little while. Try watching a funny show on hulu (take your computer far away from the kitchen), read a book, or just take a short walk around your neighborhood. If it's too late to walk where you are, you can always do some stretching at home, it will help relax you before bed :)

    Stay strong!!
  • BHRussell
    BHRussell Posts: 83 Member
    Luna Bar or fiber bar. Better for you but still satisfies sweet tooth.
  • jmmeyer67
    jmmeyer67 Posts: 1
    :smile: I agree with Kelsey. A piece of mint gum helps me. Lots of water too. Quick then go to sleep and be proud that you won!
  • mrscapamerica
    I stay away from anything with artificial sweeteners. When I am having a sweet craving I eat something like an ice cream bar, the portion size is what helps me. I know exactly how many calories I am consuming and exactly how much I can have.
    I also like fruit leather, frozen yogurt, fruit popsicles and and maybe a granola bar
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    You have 400 calories left? Just have dessert, it's not a bad thing. :huh: