Sugar addicts unite? 30 days sugar-free!

katenmills Posts: 113 Member
My name is katenmills and I am so very addicted to sugar. I love sugar in icecream form, in chocolate form, in indulgent milk beverage form and I love it in its delicious carby forms of donuts, cakes and cookies. But sugar is literally controlling my life!

Whenever I eat something sugary, I manage to incorporate it into my calories at first so I think "okay, just this one cookie and that's it for dessert today!" But what I've grown to realise is that I am an "all or nothing" type person because often, immediately after my treat, I just crave MORE sugar and end up going way overboard, undoing any hard work leading up to that point. Even when sugar doesn't trigger a 'binge' for me, if I've had some at lunch, I'm tired and cranky by 3pm. So then I'll grab a quick sweet treat to fix that energy dip. This cycle just keeps on repeating and I'm in a constant struggle to control my energy levels! So now I've decided to quit sugar for at least 30 days (possibly for good - I'll decide after the 30 days are up)!

I'm so excited to see the changes in my energy levels, moods, cravings and appearance after the 30 days but i know this will be a challenge at first so I'd love to have a group of people join me doing the same thing!?

I know there are varying degrees of strictness when it comes to this thing but for me personally, I've decided for the 30 days I will be having no sugar in its obvious forms. What I mean is, no desserts of any kind, no drinks other than water, tea and coffee, no sugary cereals, no sugary spreads or condiments, no honey, agave, no artifical sweeteners (these have been triggering for me in past), etc. What I will continue to eat is fruit in moderation, starchy vegetables, no-added-sugar dairy and grains (will try to make wholemeal choices when possible).

You can choose to be as strict as you like, and we can use this thread for posting support, encouragement, stories/updates, tips and results! :) I'm interested to see if cutting sugar has an impact on my weightloss so I'll be posting measurements later on today, but my current weight is 138 lb.

If you're in a similiar sugar crisis to me, please get on board :D!

"A month from now, you'll wish you started today."


  • katenmills
    katenmills Posts: 113 Member
    Anyone, anyone at all?!
  • Annadel
    Annadel Posts: 146 Member
    I tried recently but gave up after 1 week. I need some more mental preparation before I jump in..
  • sexyyyyy
    sexyyyyy Posts: 3
    I am the same, but just a lil less.. Its like i do great for 3 days in a row, but then sugar ruins everything i was doing for the past few days(my cal budgets i had burned by lots of exercises) im like one little piece of this is nothing,then it goes on and on and on :(...especially at work days, im a waitress at wedding clubs,when serving ppl dessert, its like 20 different kinds of cakes, cookies, pastries, ice cream, and ETC. so becuz of my job 3 days a week i mess up my diet, which i burn +5000 cals a week by exercise, but cuz of my job i even gain weight at the end of the week!!! Then lose them all in those 3 days, then again it repeats. I am 130 lbs, 5,4 is my height, and need to get to 119 lbs. and this last 10 lbs is jus not leavin me alone for the past 6 months!!!! So yeah im gonna add ya as a friend so we can support each other and see how we gonna fo it. BTW, i am new to mfp, but used to be in another app which foundout i like this one better,,so more support would be even better :)
  • katenmills
    katenmills Posts: 113 Member
    I tried recently but gave up after 1 week. I need some more mental preparation before I jump in..

    lol, i've started before too... got to day 9 and had a birthday. which meant birthday cake and i swear my mother was going to cry if i didn't have a piece lol! but yeah... that piece led to more cravings etc. just when they'd almost stopped! if you change your mind, join whenever you like :)
  • katenmills
    katenmills Posts: 113 Member
    I am the same, but just a lil less.. Its like i do great for 3 days in a row, but then sugar ruins everything i was doing for the past few days(my cal budgets i had burned by lots of exercises) im like one little piece of this is nothing,then it goes on and on and on :(...especially at work days, im a waitress at wedding clubs,when serving ppl dessert, its like 20 different kinds of cakes, cookies, pastries, ice cream, and ETC. so becuz of my job 3 days a week i mess up my diet, which i burn +5000 cals a week by exercise, but cuz of my job i even gain weight at the end of the week!!! Then lose them all in those 3 days, then again it repeats. I am 130 lbs, 5,4 is my height, and need to get to 119 lbs. and this last 10 lbs is jus not leavin me alone for the past 6 months!!!! So yeah im gonna add ya as a friend so we can support each other and see how we gonna fo it. BTW, i am new to mfp, but used to be in another app which foundout i like this one better,,so more support would be even better :)

    hoorah! oh man, i couldn't resist temptation if i had your job either! 5000 cals burnt a week is insanely good, such a shame to waste the effort. maybe this will help with those last few lbs! i still have 16 to go... maybe a bit less, i'll see when i get there lol! thanks for the add, PM me any time and let me know how you're going and i'll do the same.
  • IndyMode
    IndyMode Posts: 54 Member
    this has been on my mind a lot lately, I put a lot of sugar in my coffee everyday and sugar is my weakness...I would like to try this challenge, but I'm afraid. I can't remember the last time I went a whole day sugar free let alone a month. However, I think it would benefit me so much if I did. I don't want to cut out fruit, just refined sugar and honey when are you starting this??
  • katenmills
    katenmills Posts: 113 Member
    this has been on my mind a lot lately, I put a lot of sugar in my coffee everyday and sugar is my weakness...I would like to try this challenge, but I'm afraid. I can't remember the last time I went a whole day sugar free let alone a month. However, I think it would benefit me so much if I did. I don't want to cut out fruit, just refined sugar and honey when are you starting this??

    I know, a month seems like a long time but I'm hoping it flies and that by the end of it I'm no longer even having cravings! I started today and the day has been easy... but I know it probably won't stay it lol :P. I was going to start June 1st just because there's conveniently 30 days in June but then I thought why wait, if I'm gonna do it, no time like the present right? Thanks for the add, you can dooo it :)