Any stay-at-home Moms out there?



  • mommy2AR
    mommy2AR Posts: 2,802 Member
    I am a stay at home mom as well :)
  • HauteHauteMami
    HauteHauteMami Posts: 128 Member
    I'm a Stay Home mom . . . However my spouse is Super Dad . . . He leaps tall buildings in a single bound and always makes sure we get to the gym before he goes to work . . . We hit the gym 5 days a week and that gives us the energy at 40+ to raise our 12 month old . . . He He . . .
  • AshleyReeder
    I am also a SAHM to three boys 13,10, and 7. It is not so bad right now because my kids go to school. But when the new school year starts I will be homeschooling all three of them. We are all very active in church, all three have their different youth groups and I also teach one of them. My hubby is in law enforcement and his schedule is always changing every few months. I have to change a lot of things around here every few months which is a pain in the butt, however we always manage it somehow. My kids know that when mom and dad work out they can not bug us unless there is blood, bone, or some is not moving LOL. This summer will be a bit more busier since summer sports will start as well as VBS at out church. The only thing I can suggest is use nap times or even wake up a little earlier to make sure you can get it done. It may be hard for the first few days but you will have more energy to get you through your day as you run after the little ones. Feel free to add me, any one of you!
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Hi, feel free to add me. I'm a SAHM of 4 kids, ages 14 - 4.

  • missdebbieg
    I am a SAH Grandma and I watch 2 other kids. It's alot harder at this age but I would not change it for anything. I have been watching my Granddaughter since she was born and she is almost 2.
  • Barbiethequeen
    Hi add me barbiethequeen.. 27 n a stay at home mom also. I hv a.2yr old n a 4 yr old at home.
  • TracyF1320
    TracyF1320 Posts: 1
    I also am a stay at home mom. I have two girls 6 and 7 and two step kids 15 and 17. Finding time is hard,and I know it may not be any consolation now, but it does get easier when they get into school. When mine were young, nap time was an ideal time to work out. Of course that meant for me not going to a gym but trying to be creative about working out at home. They have some nice gyms that have day care, I was a single mother and just couldnt afford it. My biggest obstacle now is trying to eat healthy with kids around. Dont get me wrong, I am always trying to give them nutritious meals, but sometimes mac and cheese and hot dogs or chicken fingers do sneak in. I am always VERY tempted to gobble up whatever they dont eat and end up hating myself for you have any tips for battling the cravings for the carb rich food that always seems to end up with kids around?
  • 1natacha
    1natacha Posts: 14
    Yup! My oldest will be 15 in August. I've been home since maternity leave with him. I now have 5 kids altogether. I've homeschooled them all from the beginning until now.

    I complained about not being able to exercise for years. This last pregnancy my baby bump didn't disappear the way it had with the others (my youngest is 2.5 years old). I was also feeling much more tired than before. i thought I had no time until my husband asked me if i was willing to sacrifice a little sleep. What works for me is taking 6AM classes at the gym. Everyone is still alseep so I don't feel guilty. Also, at that time of day, there is less of a chance of something in their schedule coming up to force me to cancel. In the beginning I set my alarm and went in every day but Sunday. I knew that if I skipped days I wouldn't stick to it. When it became a habit, I dropped down to 3-4 days a week. I take different classes. It turns out that the same group of people show up everyday and I built up a nice support system. Add MFP to that and it has become a lifestyle change. I get to bed a little earlier and my body no longer needs the alarm in the morning to wake up.

    You can do it!
  • kwelch76
    kwelch76 Posts: 1
    Hi, I'm a SAHM mother of 3 beautiful girls, ages 3,2 and 2 months. Since I've had the go ahead from the doctor to resume all normal exercising activity, I have been very hit or miss. As you can imgaine, it is very exhausting and difficult to find time to exercise. Now, I try to exercise when my 2 year old and 2 month old are sleeping. Also, eating the right foods is difficult. If I can find the time to eat, it is usually prepared. I have been trying to get into the habit of eat mostly veggies and fruit as snacks. I have a closet full of my pre-first child clothes that I would LOVE to wear again. I refuse to by any new clothes! I need support!!! I know I can do this!
  • Cwilliams8676
    Cwilliams8676 Posts: 300 Member
    Me I am a sahm to 7 I do Jillian michaels and watch my diet. Id love sahm mommy friends
  • calalily77
    calalily77 Posts: 240 Member
    Im a stay at home to 3 children aged 10, 7 and 4. I work out in the mornings as at that time I only have one at home. I find it hard with him though because he constantly needs something. i always have to stop working out to get him things so I feel as if I am not getting enough out of my workouts. Yoga is the hardest to do with him home. Nice to see so many stay at home moms.
  • lbelle987
    lbelle987 Posts: 97
    I'm a SAHM with two kids (ages 3.5 years & 15 months). I've lost about 70lbs of baby & prebaby weight, so I'm looking mostly to tone up & maintain my weight now. I watch my diet & I belong to a gym. I'd love support from other moms :)