Combining Workouts??

Hi everyone! I'm new here, so I wanted to get an opinion. I'm in the military, so I'm already in decent shape, but I'm ready to take it to the next level! I have some stubborn weight on my stomach that won't budge, so I need to try and switch up my routine. I was thinking of doing the Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 in the mornings, and then a run or some HIIT at night? What do you think? Too much? thanks!


  • ell_jay
    ell_jay Posts: 68
    If you can do it then go for it! I'm not as fit as you but I'm doing Jillian Michaels Body Revolution and C25K.

    There are also a few hybrid workouts such as Insanity and P90X, I hated Insanity but I love P90X, so maybe you could look into them also? Find what best suits you! :D