Eating as an Addiction?

Hi, I have a quick question for other people. I deeply understand the rational behind weight loss and maintenance- consume less or exactly equal to what your body burns. I don't mind healthy food, I often even like it. I understand how to cook good healthy meals and I have the time to do it. My problem with dieting and my eating in general feel more like an addiction. Eating literally makes me feel good. Just writing that makes me realize how unhealthy that is but it's how I feel. I eat when I'm bored, when I'm upset, when I'm uncomfortable. It comforts me in all these situations. I eat when there's food around because I enjoy doing so, even if it doesn't taste good. I think about eating when I'm not eating, whether I'm hungry or not. I feel like I'll never be able to loose weight and keep it off because of this mindset. Even now, the idea of eating something feels more important than being healthy, and it's not because I don't objectively value being healthy more, it's because I'm upset and bored and eating will, actually, make me feel better, at least for a while. The weirdest part is that I didn't realize that other people didn't feel this way until this afternoon. I knew that other people occasionally forgot to eat meals or forgot to eat for a day. I have never, and cannot even imagine forgetting to eat. It's too important to me.

My major question here is have other people felt the same way? Like their eating was out of control and more like an addiction than something they did to sustain themselves. If so, how did you deal with this? Did anyone try behavioral therapy? Did it help? Were you able to overcome this on your own?


  • lollaler
    lollaler Posts: 69 Member
    i am exactly the same. how do people forget to eat.. its on my mind 24/7 and is really affecting my life. i excersice put in everything i eat.... i know i should not go over 1200cals but always end up over. i go for that 4 or 5 or 6 serving of the bad food...... i feel you completely. i was reading the newspaper and i noticed an AA for over eating.. now i have no idea what that involves but i guess i should really try it out. bit embarrest but i guess like anything drugs , alchol its not easy to stop.
    u can add me as a friend if you like. i have friends that eat to live .... i at the moment live to eat and really want to change my mindset.
    good luck and i hope people post helpful tips.