Frustrated and about to give up :(

kiku76 Posts: 352 Member
I am feeling very frustrated today, like I want to give up on the whole diet thing.

Maybe it's just this month, we have function after function going on. Yesterday we had a baby shower for my bff, saturday my dad is taking me and my 3 sisters out for sushi to spend some family time, sunday is my bro in laws bday and we're bbq-ing, and monday we have to eat a my in-laws house and my MIL is not known her for healthy dishes. It's been hard to eat well and its getting to me.

A couple weeks ago I raised my calories. According to F2F, for my goal weight and for moderately active, I should be consuming 2073 calories. According to Fitness Frog, my TDEE for my weight now is 2203. So a 15% calorie deficit, is about 1800. I have set my calories at 1800 but don't fret if I go over.
I am on week 4 of c25k and do it mon, wed, fri. Tues, thur and sat I do walk at home DVDs, usually 2 miles but sometimes 1 if I'm pressed for time. I also do a basic strength routine using resistance bands.
I am not losing a thing. at all. I feel like all that running and trying hard to work out is for nothing.

I did manage to lose 10 pounds earlier this year by cutting out all carbs but gained it all back once I started eating them again. That diet just made to too tired all the time. I'm also breastfeeding a 15-mo-old.
just very frustrated and feeling about to throw in the towel.


  • Symonep
    Symonep Posts: 181 Member
    Don't fret, they say it may take longer than a few weeks to adjust to eating more. I am only on day 2 and don't want to hear people giving up!!
  • kiku76
    kiku76 Posts: 352 Member
    LOL true. It just sucks. I eat 1200 calories, I barely lose. I eat 1800-2000 I stay in the same place. I have been running and walking and lifting and NOTHING!!!!!!
  • jasperann
    jasperann Posts: 136 Member
    You have been doing great!! It took three weeks of eating higher calories for the scale to start going down. I even went up for a week before going down. Your body needs to adjust.

    As for all the fun stuff you are doing, it is part of life! Don't stop living just because you want to be healthy. It didn't happen over night and the weight will not come off over night either. Just think how you would feel in July if you quit now and looked back. You would say, if I didn't give up then I could have lost xx amount so far. Ya know? That is what keeps me going, when I feel down. I just never want to go back to where I was before I started.

    To keep myself motivated in the beginning I posted my worst picture of myself inside all the cabinets and on the fridge, just as a reminder on why I started getting healthy in the first place. Some people post really fit people on their fridge...
  • poptastic
    poptastic Posts: 151 Member
    There's no reason you can't join in with celebrating and eating delicious things, just try and control the amount you are eating. Exercise is really good for you but isn't going to do much if your diet's not on track (unless you're exercising a crazy amount). You said you don't fret if you go over calories - how often are you going over and how much? If you are regularly not in enough calorie defecit that might be why your weight loss has stalled. Also make sure you are eating the right kind of things.
  • debloves2ride
    debloves2ride Posts: 386
    The key is moderation. even though you are surrounded by good food, you can eat it, just not pig out on it. I find it helps if you eat something healthy before you get there or even pack your own little snacks. don't give up!
  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    I hear ya. I'm at a frustrated point right now, 2 pounds from my ultimate goal, but can't reach it. I always have a problem with over indulging at celebration meals. Sometimes its good to pre plan, people have inputting alot of the calories for dishes at restaurants and if I know I'm going somewhere I pre plan it, it helps me stay on track. I can still eat, but eat only what I order.

    It's normal to get frustrated, but don't throw in the towel, just remember why you are doing this.
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    Don't look at this as a diet look at it as a change of eating habits. Enjoy whatever comes up just make sure to get back on track the next day. If you give up you will mostly likely gain back what you work so hard to lose. It may take you longer to lose due to the obstacles in your way but don't give up. I've had several things come up like this weekend we were out of town for three days and I had no control over what was going to be served at my husband's cousins house so i just ate but I didn't eat til I was stuffed, I gained 2 pounds but was able to lose it within one day back to watching my cals so try not to stress over it. You can make smart choices during the days you have to go eat with them by maybe trying to have more fruit and water before so you won't be so hungry
  • glennstoudt
    glennstoudt Posts: 403 Member
    I am feeling very frustrated today, like I want to give up on the whole diet thing.

    Maybe it's just this month, we have function after function going on. Yesterday we had a baby shower for my bff, saturday my dad is taking me and my 3 sisters out for sushi to spend some family time, sunday is my bro in laws bday and we're bbq-ing, and monday we have to eat a my in-laws house and my MIL is not known her for healthy dishes. It's been hard to eat well and its getting to me.

    A couple weeks ago I raised my calories. According to F2F, for my goal weight and for moderately active, I should be consuming 2073 calories. According to Fitness Frog, my TDEE for my weight now is 2203. So a 15% calorie deficit, is about 1800. I have set my calories at 1800 but don't fret if I go over.
    I am on week 4 of c25k and do it mon, wed, fri. Tues, thur and sat I do walk at home DVDs, usually 2 miles but sometimes 1 if I'm pressed for time. I also do a basic strength routine using resistance bands.
    I am not losing a thing. at all. I feel like all that running and trying hard to work out is for nothing.

    I did manage to lose 10 pounds earlier this year by cutting out all carbs but gained it all back once I started eating them again. That diet just made to too tired all the time. I'm also breastfeeding a 15-mo-old.
    just very frustrated and feeling about to throw in the towel.

    Your answers are in your post

    1. Don't cut out all carbs (impossible anyway). Reduce carbs.
    2. Do Fret over going over your numbers over time over a number of days. You can not lose weight with a caloric excess.
    3. Identify your goals, or at least clarify them. Set a time frame.
    4. Try to reduce stress. Cortisol production makes it very difficult to lose weight.

    Good luck. Your opportunity to feel defeated just gives you the chance to focus and start again. Enjoy your young family.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    If giving up is even an option perhaps your motivation and goals need revisiting. When yor motivation is where it needs to be, failure is not an option. If you can give up, might as well do it, even if you successfully lose, once you are "done" chances are its all coming back. Losing it and keeping it off is a lifetime commitment, not a temporary inconvenience.
  • pamelak5
    pamelak5 Posts: 327 Member
    I just wanted to add that for me, weight didn't come off while I was BFing. You might be one of those people that has a sudden drop upon weaning. So in the meantime, focus on fitness and establishing healthy habits; your body will make the jump to weightloss when it's ready! Your exercise regimen is inspring!
  • reggie2run
    reggie2run Posts: 477 Member
    I agree with the others...please don't give up....its not an easy road, but you can do it.
    This is a lifestyle change - not a diet - and we have to learn to live our lives with food.
    Sure, there will always be temptations, but everything in moderation.
    Your time will come. You can do this.
    Add me if you'd like.