How many calories burned in LA Boxing and weight lifting?

I am trying to estimate how many calories are burned during the following exercises? I'm 290 and in good shape and active. I have a lot of muscle mass, I lift 4-5 days a week, do 5 miles elliptical (35 minutes 5miles low level but i push it hard) before each lift and do la boxing 2-3 days per week.

Right now when I lift it is for 40-50 minutes. I do a high intensity hi rep workout. 7 weight exercises, 100 reps with a medium weight. In between sets I do 100 reps of abdominals, and some body weight exercises like calf raises. I do 6 sets of those in between. I don't really rest but I do have to stop at 35 and 50 reps and take a breath , especially as the sets move along. I do rest for 2 mins about 3 times. The other time I am getting weights ready or moving between sets. so I guess I'm lifting or exercising 40 mins out of 50. I leave the gym tired and I sweat a lot.

I wanted to see what people thought about the calories burned. For the first time I'm tracking what I am eating and already lost 7 pounds in a week. Although I weighed myself after boxing where I probably sweated 3 pounds of water. That number will probably be higher tomorrow but tomorrow is day 7.

Elliptical machine 30 minutes MFP states 590 that is higher than what machine says.
Boxing general 60 minutes mFP says 1650 this seems high to me.
Weight training 40 minutes MFP says 1112. I added that estimate.

Can somebody give me some guidance on the calories burned? I know they are estimates but now that I'm tracking my calories it gives me extra to my total and I don't want to be eating more. I feel like I am over estimating.


  • trishDC
    trishDC Posts: 51
    Did you ever decide what to put for calories burned with LA Boxing? I started LA Boxing over 2 weeks ago and I'm loving it. I'm using high intensity aerobics as my exercise input and it gives me 692 cal for 60 minutes. Although, since I feel the workouts are the craziest I've ever done, I'm wondering if I should put more.
  • kberry1915
    I am 51 years old and have going to LA Boxing for 3 months now, 4xs a week. I absolutely love it and it has definitely the best overall workout I've ever done. But, I have no idea how many calories I burn for the 60 minutes I'm there. Is there anyone that can help?