Fitbit kcal in/out

So I started using FitBit recently and somehow found out the daily amount of calories burned very confusing..

How do you guys incorporate the number in your daily kcal allowance? Eat more because walk more?

Out of confusion I unlinked my and MFP accounts so one stays for kcal intake (good old 1200 a day) and the other just for kcals burned and sleep tracking...

Any suggestions? I am seriously confused. The FitBit just seems adding calories up and up and up


  • msps1973
    msps1973 Posts: 52 Member
    I have been using Fitbit for about a week. I am also confused. For yesterday it said I earned another 386 from excercise. Which was just waking around at work (I'm in retail and walk back and forth in the store all day). I am not eating the calories from the Fitbit, just hte ones I earn from real excercise.

    I am really using it to see how much I walk at work and to gauge the distance of my runs. If I am burning extra calories- BONUS!!!