Fitness tips to rev-up your metabolism!

I did not write any of this, but I thought I would share! Hopefully it helps!

Fitness Tips to Rev-Up Your Metabolism!
By Mark Parker

Spending time with your kids is a great way to get some exercise. Pick activities that you can do together, like roller skating, playing catch or bike riding. Any kind of physical activity is a great opportunity for fitness for both you and the children.
Clean off any machines at your gym before you start your workout. There could be bacteria and germs that other people have left behind on the equipment. Your intention was to get yourself healthier at the gym, not to get ill.
In order to reduce the risk of injury you should be careful to use proper form when you are walking. Keep your shoulders back, walk tall and keep your back straight. A ninety-degree angle is ideal for your elbows. Swing each arm as the opposite leg comes forward. Allow your foot to land on the heel, roll to the toe, and spring forward to the next step.
Prior to beginning bench exercises, check the pads by applying finger pressure. If the padding is not sufficient, you will be able to feel the wood under the pad. Try out a different machine if you can feel the wood. Working on a machine like the one described above can hurt your back.
Try adding yogurt to your nutrition plan. Yogurt is very healthy and helps to aid you in digesting your meals. Yogurt also has the added benefit of containing lots or protein and calcium. There should be dairy included in your diet because it is known that people who consume more dairy products often are in better health.
Wall sits are a quick and easy way to build leg strength. To start, look for an open wall space that is wide enough to accommodate your body. Stand approximately a foot and a half away from the wall. You need to lean back and bend your knees against the wall. Keeping this position, slowly move your body down the wall until you are mimicking a sitting position. You should not, however, actually be resting on the ground. You will want to stay like this for as much time as you can.
Including a balanced diet with your workout is an important fitness tip. Eating a balanced diet helps you live a healthy lifestyle, no matter what your weight is. Eating healthy is not just about losing weight but about having a better life.
Make sure you stay healthy and quit smoking tobacco, as this can prevent an early death. You can stop smoking at any time, it is never too late. Your risk of cardiovascular problems will go down, and you will probably live longer, too. Do the right thing for your body and quit smoking.
Controlling your breathing makes your workouts give you a better calorie burn that benefits your whole body. When performing situps or crunches, you should make a forceful exhale when the shoulders are at the top of their movement. The powerful exhale causes your stomach muscles to contract forcefully, giving you added workout benefits for the same amount of work.
Always seek to get stronger and faster -- don't give in to the entropy of aging. Use the advice from this article in order to enhance your ability to get fit to levels you had never dreamed of before.