Any yo-yo dieters out there?

I have been a big yo-yo dieter for years, constantly losing and gaining and never sticking to a healthy eating and exersise plan.
I can tell it has had an effect on my metabolism, I gain weight quite easily and find it VERY difficult to make it budge again..
Has anyone got any tips on quitting the yo-yo cycle? I just want a stable diet!!
Thanks :)


  • imthelobster
    imthelobster Posts: 179 Member
    Don't diet!

    Find out what your maintenance calories are, and eat just a slight decrease from that to lose weight slowly. When you get to your goal, eat at your maintenance. It's probably somewhere in the 2000 calorie range, which means that you won't be depriving yourself or making yourself hungry all the time.

    When I decided to finally lose this weight, I realized that I wasn't going on a diet. I was changing the way I'm eating and living for good. It's mostly got to be an internal, mental thing.

    But I'd definitely suggest figuring out your maintenance calories. I think part of the issue with yo-yo dieting is that people try and cut too much, so they end up starving and then giving up.
  • barbie_g1rl
    barbie_g1rl Posts: 43
    god yeh ive been 13 and a half ive been 9 stone ive tried everything.
    lol eating healthy and counting calories and working out is the only way. i am unfortunately a binge eater, if something gets me down or angry i reach for food straight away. i manage it better now but its always going to be there.
    feel free to add me :) XxX
  • GKingo
    GKingo Posts: 3
    I am absolutely the same, apart from I don't struggle to loose the weight, I struggle to keep it off. I got married a year ago and I weighed 130lbs, I got pregnant soon after that and now I am 165lbs after loosing my baby weight! I have just started trying to loose weight but am so worried that once I have lost it I will go straight back up again. Maintainance weight is the worst to handle as once you have lost the weight you feel you have a right to "treat yourself" because you have done so well, not realising that it's the treating yourself that got you in this situation in the first place! It's definately a struggle!
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    An ex yo-yo dieter here.

    I was an expert in losing & regaining "200" lbs for 10 years (weight fluctuating 20 lbs. in 10 years) & did all sorts of fad diets, magic pills & other weight loss "miracles" but only regained everything & even more in less than a year.

    So when I was at my highest weight & my doctor adviced me to lose weight, I decided to do it slowly & in the natural way. I did a lot of research about proper diet & exercises. Initially I cut out all liquid & empty calories, then afterwards started reducing refined carbs. As for exercise, as much as I was lazy before but I dragged myself to do a 30 min DVD workout video. I just thought to myself that I spend a hell lot of time in the computer & so cutting just 30 mins to do exercise is no big deal. Then also I incorporate strength training for my muscles. All these I did in 2 years until I get here where I am right now. So far I've been keeping it off for a year now.

    My advice is to do it slowly & to incorporate strength training exercise along with cardio 2-3 days a week to minimize muscle loss since fad diets caused us to lose more LBM than fat thus destroying our metabolism. Muscle is our most efficient fat burning tool so we much keep it. Plus strength training workouts burns more calories as long as 48 hours after you do the last rep since your body uses calories to repair muscles & thus raising up your metabolism.