Females, early 20's height and weights?



  • vivianleemit
    vivianleemit Posts: 112
    5 ft 6 in. Started at 130, my goal weight is 110 lb (may seem a bit light, but it's because I have REALLY light bones, or so says my doctor). I'm also a semipro dancer so I need to keep a specific body shape. Currently hovering at 123 (hit a plateau a few months ago...)
  • CharisSunny
    CharisSunny Posts: 276 Member
    24 y/o 5'10"
    My heaviest I was 291lbs...now I'm 262.2lbs

    My goal weight is "awwww snap I'm cute" :laugh: maybe that's about 190. Don't wanna get any lower than that.
  • CharisSunny
    CharisSunny Posts: 276 Member
    I'm 22, 5'9", and 120. At the risk of sounding abysmally, predictably ditzy, I'm trying to "tone up", not lose weight. I box, do The Bar Method, do Spinning, and lift free weights. You will not see me run for two seconds unless I'm chasing my nieces or being chased by a bear. Sadly, I'm not bad-*kitten* enough to have the latter happen to me.
    you're 120 at 5'9" wooooow! That isn't kinda thin?
  • jswartz2
    jswartz2 Posts: 8 Member
    20 years old
    5'2 hoping to get to 120, I'm 140 now
    add me :)
  • llymlrs
    llymlrs Posts: 1
    Hi girls :)
    It's great seeing people around my weight and age group! My motivation is my skinny friends, and pretty clothes I want to wear!

    I'm currently 160lbs, the heaviest i've ever been. My ultimate goal is around 120lbs!!

    I'ts only my first day but I went on a jog this morning, hoping to keep up with doing that every other day and pilates on the alternate day!

  • justkrissy
    justkrissy Posts: 146 Member
    22 Years old, 5'0 feet, and current weight is 154lbs, started at around 168-170. I'm looking to get down to 115lbs

    So far, I've mainly being just eating healthy 5-6 days out of the week. I usually eat some bad foods at least once a week just because it helps keep me motivated. (I love food...alot!) lol! I pretty much try and stick to the canadian food guide. Lots of salads, fruits, lean meats, yogurts, and things like that.

    My most common day would be, one slice of Rye toast with peanut butter and a Banana for Breaky, yogurt for snack, toss salad with a hard boiled egg for lunch, piece of fruit for another snack, tuna sandwhich and toss salad for supper and another yogurt or fruit for snack. (Of course, I dont eat this every day, but that is close to a regular day for me, not counting my cheat day.

    I personaly LOVE water and perfer it over almost everything else (With Coffee being the exception) So I only drink Water all day, with 1-2 cups of coffee in the morning. Usually 8-12 cups of water a day.

    And for exercise, I walk 6 days a week for atleast an hour, sometimes throw in a little jogging but have cut back because I hurt my legs and are giving them a week or two of rest to heal.

    And I also do strength training 3-4 times a week. Either just me doing things like push-ups, crunches, weight lifting, lunges, or I do a Jillian Micheals work out.

    So far, all this as been working really well for me.
  • kekl
    kekl Posts: 382 Member
    20 years old
    150ish lbs
    6/8 in pants.

    My goal weight is a very hesistant 140-145 lbs. I actually really like where my body is at and I'm focusing more on my strength and endurance than an actual weight. Wouldn't mind losing a pants size perhaps but I'm not going to get hung up on it.
  • writingrulz89
    I'll be 23 in August. I'm 5'4" and 215 pounds. My short-term goal is to be around 180.