Need Some "Barefoot" Running Advice



  • tenunderfour
    tenunderfour Posts: 429 Member
    I did not read all of the replies, but here's my .02. I switched from traditional running shoes to minimalist shoes about a year and a half ago. I was wearing stability shoes - Mizunos. And I went cold turkey to Brooks Pure Connects. It toook me about a week to get used to them. I did a couple of runs to try them out and then I went full force and never looked back! I had some mild calf soreness for the first few days. That was it. I also went from a card carrying heel striker.... to a midfoot striker. I ran a full marathon a month after getting the shoes. It was great!!

    So I would say give it a week or so with the new shoes - maybe mix up your training plan for that week, see how you feel and then get back into it the second week. I don't think the transition will be that rough.
  • HubbyForAsh
    HubbyForAsh Posts: 10
    Thanks, y'all for all the responses. They have all been very helpful. As most of you figured out, my terminology was a little off yesterday as it pertains to what I'm looking to accomplish.

    I did take some of the advice given to use when I was working with my HIIT (What I started doing a week ago on my "off" days) and made a few discoveries: 1) I already had more of a tendency to utilize the mid-sole strike when break into a full-out run and 2) I experienced a little bit of the calf soreness people referenced (much more pronounced today by the way).

    I really appreciate all the advice, and can't wait to get my first pair of "real" running shoes. Good luck to all.