I fell off the bandwagon MFP

Shanta1983 Posts: 1,228 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello MFp, How are youguys every since my birthday last monday ,Ive been splurging going over my calories by 200-700 OmG:grumble: Ive been partying all week eating whatever, Ive been pigging out on sweets and carbs but I still manage to loose 2lbs friday on weigh in I havent work out in almost 2 weeks, What had gotten into me, Ive binging out of control, I dont want to gain the weight back Im only 1.5lbs away form the middle mark and 44lbs to go before my goal , and I have fallen short, I have ate 2000 calories today, Im craving sweets, I guess since I recently started drinking diet soda its making me crave sweets,thats why Ive only drink water and crystal light damit those diet sodaz really arent good either in my opinion, Help I need my mothivation back sorry for the rant.. I need a fitness pal to whole me accountable, I have fallen into the slump, I was doing so well ugh................:grumble: :explode: :explode: :sad: :sad:


  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Snap out of it!

    Quit it. Take a breath, say a prayer, leave it behind you, and jump right back in. If you've come this far making healthier choices and working out, there's no reason you can't keep going

    It's really easy to let one episode of indulgence turn into two, three, four, five. . .and just keep going (that's what made us heavy in the first place, right?) What's hard is to take care of yourself and feel that you're worth it.

    JMAMA Posts: 298 Member
    Hang in there Shanta, it happens to the best of us! Set some short term goals, that helps me to stay on track. Here's to a better week!:drinker:
  • Shanta1983
    Shanta1983 Posts: 1,228 Member
    Hang in there Shanta, it happens to the best of us! Set some short term goals, that helps me to stay on track. Here's to a better week!:drinker:

    Thanks you guys, thats why I love it here, Ive gotta snap out of it first thing in the a.m Im going walking and even alittle jogging with my 20lb weight belt.Im not gone worry about today, Im going to start fresh tommorrow if the Lord let me see it
  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    I know you can get back on that MFP bandwagon. You're right about those diet sodas...quit them right now, today. They just take you away from good choices like fruit and water, and salad and water.
    Maybe you could go back and look at some of your previous food diary entries and see what good choices you have made in the past and use that as your guide for the future. You're so close to your half way point, don't let it scare you. You deserve to be healthy and in control of your life and health! Let yourself be successful!!!
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