Canadian Bacon Diet

Has anyone heard about the Canadian Bacon Diet?
I hear the health benefits are unrivaled and you actually lose weight when you eat Canadian Bacon twice daily and you don't have to exercise when you are 'on plan'.
I also heard that weight loss can be increased if you eat Canadian Bacon with Toast and Eggs, typically on a Saturday morning...most losses occur with a hangover ...But that is if you are a keener. :(
Let me know what you hear about this Diet! The way I reckon it is it doesn't sound like a diet at all and that is the best thing about it. You eat healthy every day...except Saturdays after a big night of drinking.
In the US, you have a number of great restaurant chains to help you with this diet. The great thing don't have to wait for the hangover...just go to one of these 24 hour places while you are still drunk! I love it
Let me know about your experiences with the 24 hour health food chains that serve Canadian Bacon, scrambled eggs, toast, coffee, hash browns! has to be the best weight loss diet since atkins!
let me know


  • annarouni
    annarouni Posts: 127 Member
    Hmmm, where did you hear of this? I googled it and didn't come up with anything of substance. It may be a case of wishful thinking???
  • ndskies
    ndskies Posts: 6 Member
    LOL! This sure beats those protien shakes twice a day that everybody is trying to sell on Facebook!