Non Scale Wakeup Calls

MaritaD Posts: 178 Member
Everyone talks about NSV (non scale victories) which are great!! They are so motivating!! I'm just wondering what people's non scale wake up calls where??

For me it was having no energy and constantly feeling uncomfortable, and all my clothes not fitting, and pictures.....ewwww I hated my picture taken!


  • NomadicKris
    NomadicKris Posts: 90
    A friend of mine started losing weight and she posted a before and after picture of a specific time period and it blew me away at what she had achieved - and whenever I feel like I need a kick up the *kitten* I look at her picture and remind myself that it is achievable - and knowing her well makes it real. My children also are running a lot more and I want to be able to run more with them!
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    Realizing I was parenting my kids from the couch. I rarely got up. Not being able to do fun things with them like amusement parks, soccer practices, etc....
    My big turning point were pictures though. I just had no idea it was that bad.