Ways to Reset Metabolism?

I have been on a plateau (maintaining) for over two months after trying everyones suggestions. And one comment I have gotten and seen a few times in the threads is to reset your metabolism? Is this possible? And if it is, what ways are there to "reset" it?


  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    I have been on a plateau (maintaining) for over two months after trying everyones suggestions. And one comment I have gotten and seen a few times in the threads is to reset your metabolism? Is this possible? And if it is, what ways are there to "reset" it?

    You don't want to hear it...

    But eat in a calorie SURPLUS for a while. A few weeks.

    Refeeds help to keep major metabolic changes away, but once the changes have occurred, gaining for a bit, above and beyond the glycogen refill that occurs should fix things in a few weeks. The glycogen refill will cause a rapid weight jump at first, after that gains will be to fat and hopefully muscle. Lifting heavy and keeping the protein high should cause a decent amount of it to go to muscle.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    You'll have to eat more to bring your metabolism up, which may give you a bit of a setback, I'm afraid. But, as waldo56 already mentioned, if you start doing some strength training you can make some of that gain muscle, which will burn more calories long-term and help with body fat percentage (a far more important number than weight).

    I'd set your goal to "maintenance" for a couple of weeks. Also, make sure your carbs/fat/protein are in balance.

    If you're going to be lifting, you also probably want to add protein so your body can build muscle. This is going to be even more of a "scale" setback but it will make you so much healthier in the long run.

    You're also very close to goal, and assuming that is your ideal weight, it's probably time to go back through your goals and make sure they are up-to-date. Your days of losing 2 pounds a week are over, and if your goals are still set that way your body has probably just adapted. Once you restart your loss, set it to a half or at most one pound a week.