Struggling with grip when Weight lifting



  • CharlieJuliette
    CharlieJuliette Posts: 459 Member
    I'm relatively new to strength training, and have also been having a problem with my grip on deadlifts. I've been wearing gloves so shall try without and see if that helps. Thank you for the useful advice!
  • HelloDan
    HelloDan Posts: 712 Member
    For me at least, mixed grip can support greater weight.

    For most people it can, but the chances of bicep injury, and the fact you can't use it for other lifts, such as cleans and snatches lead me to prefer the hook.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    For me at least, mixed grip can support greater weight.

    For most people it can, but the chances of bicep injury, and the fact you can't use it for other lifts, such as cleans and snatches lead me to prefer the hook.

    A perfectly viable reason for doing so. Me personally, I try to hook for warmup sets and switch to mixed for my heaviest working set(s)
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    So the OP is talking DBs here so mix grip etc is not going to help. The only thing to do is work on grip strength. Gloves are not the answer they make grip worse to be honest. If you can forego straps right now until you get to the new gym and work on grip strength now would be a good idea.

    Exercises to consider:
    -Farmers Walks: Just grab some heavy DBs and go for a walk. Really stay tough here and let your forearms burn
    -Kroc Rows: A little different than regular DB rows because you're allowed to use a little body engliah with these, it's all about moving heavy weight for a lot of reps, shoot for sets of 20.
    -DB Squats
    -Zottman Curls: Perform a regular curl the hold at the top, rotate the DB around and bring the weight down slowly.
  • HelloDan
    HelloDan Posts: 712 Member
    So the OP is talking DBs here so mix grip etc is not going to help. The only thing to do is work on grip strength. Gloves are not the answer they make grip worse to be honest. If you can forego straps right now until you get to the new gym and work on grip strength now would be a good idea.

    Would you believe, I know a grip that WILL work with dumbbells?!
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    So the OP is talking DBs here so mix grip etc is not going to help. The only thing to do is work on grip strength. Gloves are not the answer they make grip worse to be honest. If you can forego straps right now until you get to the new gym and work on grip strength now would be a good idea.

    Would you believe, I know a grip that WILL work with dumbbells?!

    Lol, touche. To my defense though I did specify that the mixed grip was only viable once she switched to barbell deads in my initial comment.
  • daniii6
    daniii6 Posts: 23
    I have the same problem and my boyfriend suggested that I try kneeling on the ground with my arm resting across a bench, holding a dumbbell in your hand and then roll it up so you're just moving your wrist basically. He said it would help strengthen my forearms and grip which seems to be holding me back.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Which lifts are you having problems with? Dumbbells or barbels?

    I am having issues with dumbbells. My gym doesn't have a barbell outside of a smith machine so I am having to deadlift dumbbells and they keep slipping out of my hands. (Yes, as soon as I can afford it, I will be changing gyms, but this one is free and i'm broke.) I've hit my limit with 35 lb. dumbbells, but I know I can deadlift more than that. I think I would have this problem with a barbell too at some point, but I think it would be much heavier.

    I also have problems with the dumbbells during lunges (which I have semi-helped myself out with by leaning them on my hips) and shoulder presses. My hands give out before anything else.
    Then for this you use lifting straps.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer/Group Fitness Instructor
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Alexagetsfit
    Alexagetsfit Posts: 313 Member
    Thanks so much! I will be trying the hook grip today and see how it goes. If that doesn't work, I will have to try something else. :)
  • rxstronger
    During my workout session I always use gloves because it give me a firm grip and also protect my hands.If want to know details benefits of crossfit gloves then read this