Need advi

So recently ..about 5 weeks ago I started my weight loss far Im down 11 pounds and have been really strict with not eating any sugar or salt..mostly lean chicken and veggies and sweet potatos! Yum!!! anyway this Saturday is my best friends birthday so she wants to have a girls day..she wants to go see a movie ..go eat and go bowling as well as I havent been a big drinker for a couple years(since I had my tolerance for alcohol just vanished!) but this Saturday I want to let lose and not count calories all day I just wanna have a good time. How can I do that..because when I step on the scale on Monday I will be so depressed. I do believe in everyone having a cheat day or meal.. once a week. I havent had one in 5 weeks..I want one! my thoughts is that since Im off Friday I would go to the gym in the morning and that night and also on that Saturday morning..Eat some cheerios and skim milk and nothing else until we go out?? is that a good tactic?? I am still trying to find the best calories for me..MFP says I should eat 1770 calories a day and because I never get to excercise (sedentary) I cut that to about 13-1400 and about 80oz of water is this wrong?..Im sorry I know Im asking alot of different questions but I think I should have lost more then 11bls in 5 weeks and want to make sure Im not doing anything wrong..I just want to have a great time this weekend ..please help!


  • angleu
    angleu Posts: 140 Member
    Well first of all congrats on 11lbs!! In the beginning of weight loss I will tell you the weight comes off faster. And don't be in a rush honestly because chances are you will not gain it back when you are done with your journey..

    You need to eat the 1700 calories. MFP has set in a deficit for you. At 1300-1400 you are probably eating below what your body needs to get the nutrients it needs. If you lose the weight too fast because you are not feeding your body enough you will have a harder time keeping it off..So my suggestion is to slowly bring it back up to 1700 calories. If the scale is staying the same during that time of you gain a lb keep at it! Your body will adjust!

    If you are not working out now are you sure you want to work out the day before at two different times? That will not in the scheme of things make that big a difference the next day. But I do encourage you to take a brisk 30 minute walk daily. Including that day before and that day. Being you don't work out now I would hate for you to get sore before a night out..

    Enjoy yourself at the party. Eat smaller portions. Get a doggie bag. Stay away from fried foods and have fun!!! I had fun myself this weekend truth be told but I kept walking and didn't eat whole portions. I always gain a few pounds (1-2) after a cheat day if I have one but most of its water weight and comes over fairly quickly.

    P.S if you eat nothing but cereal until you go out you will be so darn hungry you will over do it at dinner..
  • Bry8432
    Bry8432 Posts: 37
    I am not a doctor or anything. So take what I say with a grain of salt.

    When I know I have an event and I know I'm going to EAT big time. I workout really hard and barely eat anything so that I can enjoy all the fun and food without the worry. Just portion out everything from pop corn to dinner and you'll have enough room and calories for drinks

    :) again i'm not a doctor, that's just what I do
  • Ripcode
    Ripcode Posts: 142 Member
    Why not excercise on Saturday to earn extra calories?
  • rcloyd5
    rcloyd5 Posts: 29 Member
    I would say allow yourself to have a good time. It doesn't mean you go crazy. I have always had the problem of using food as a reward and "going out" meaning I have to eat bad. I think if you eat, try to make it can still be delicious. You may have to just keep saying that to yourself. :happy: Let loose and have a few drinks! Just make sure you hit the gym the next day. Have fun and good luck! I know it is not easy. I battle the same decisions!
  • Kalebsmommy424
    Kalebsmommy424 Posts: 110 Member
    I did say I would excercise on Saturday morning hun..thats a must!
  • Kalebsmommy424
    Kalebsmommy424 Posts: 110 Member
    Love the advice guys..Thank you and Im going to try to fit excercise in on my breaks at work..we have plenty of hills I can walk..I will try to put my calories up to 1700 like mfp says..thats based on me losing 2 lbs a week
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    IMHO....Log it......Even if you go over....keep track. Least then you know what you are working with. And don't stress the scale.....It will be up on Monday.....Mostly due to sodium/water weight.
  • RobynDCrossman
    Great work on the loss already!
    You sound like you're on the right track because 1) you're planning 2) you've already started to put a plan into place.
    I second the working out Fri and Sat. That's a great tactic to curb the calories.
    Also, I'd EAT some throughout the day - because if you just eat Cheerios - you're gonna be STARVING and probably make yourself sick at dinner (or atleast, I had that habit.)
    Eat to make yourself sated throughout the day - don't starve yourself for the calories later.
    If you wanna go all out, do so - but it may be good to decide "I'm gonna eat a small popcorn" and "I'll drink rum and diet coke rather than XYZ drink" I do this, so that I can still enjoy the things I want, but still see steady loss. One day will not derail you, but it can have a tendency to let us sink into our old habits. I find it hard when I purge most of the crud out of my diet to have a day where I eat really cruddy on a day - to get back on track is hard for me. But that's just ME and I'm no medical professional. :)

    You're doing great - and 11 lbs is HUGE in the amount of time. :) Good work!
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,267 Member
    The scale is a dirty little liar after partying, so i would resume your normal routine after you have your fun and not weigh yourself for a few days...:flowerforyou:
  • hdsqrl
    hdsqrl Posts: 420 Member
    Balance out your alcoholic drinks that night with a glass of water in between each one - not only will it help keep the overall calorie count down, but you'll keep your head a little clearer and feel better the next morning. ;) I know it's not as much fun to be cautious about what you eat that night, but you'll be so proud of yourself the next morning if you're able to have even a SMALL success in "being good" that night!

    You can dooo eeet!!!!
  • MeliciousGibson
    I agree - LOG EVERYTHING!

    I do allow myself 1 cheat day a week, but I still log everything. I also try to make healthy choices on those days. I don't need to eat 3 slices of yummy pizza when one slice will actually take care of the cravings, and then a side salad to finish filling me up.

    If you guys are going out and having a couple of drinks after the movie - why not go to a club and dance? Dancing burns calories! :D

    Just some options.

    As for the scale - it's just a number. DO NOT DEFINE YOURSELF BY A NUMBER!!!!

    It takes approximately 3500 calories to equal one pound. If you notice a jump up on the scale come Monday morning (which I do every Monday as my cheat day is either Saturday or Sunday), it's more than likely water weight gain and not actually FAT. I recently upped my calorie intake because I'm doing strength training on top of teaching Zumba 3 nights a week - I went up over 6 pounds in one week! Talk about depressing! But I've already come back down 2 pounds in the past 3 I know it was water weight gain (and some muscle, I hope!)

    Most of all - HAVE FUN! You're in this for the long haul, so you're not going to never go to a movie and eat popcorn again or have a drink once in a while. Allow yourself life's little indulgences once in a while and you'll be more likely to stick to it!

    CONGRATS on the 11 pounds!
  • KetoBella
    KetoBella Posts: 141 Member
    I agree with the previous poster, track it and be as accurate as possible. I can also tell you that if you are not mentally prepared to make this a lifestyle change that you are comfortable doing 98% of the time and you feel that you deserve a day to go crazy and eat whatever you want for an entire day your in dangerous territory. You said it yourself that you feel by doing that you are at risk for undoing the hard work you have already accomplished. Frankly, since you asked for advice you should allow yourself one meal of something you really want, not everything you want and just have enough to be satisfied. You will be proud of the positive changes you are making and you will not be reverting back to the old bad habits that made you overweight to begin with. There are other ways to let loose and have fun. Food should not be the focus of the event.
  • jennmetz
    jennmetz Posts: 20
    You're making such great progress and definitely don't want to blow it out of the water! Making better choices you can live with for life is what you'll be able to maintain. With that in mind, plan a cheat meal (not an entire day). I would suggest you start you morning with protein - as it can set your hormonal response to food differently than if you start with empty carbs (and yes, Cheerio's are empty carbs)
    Be sure to get some exercise Saturday morning - it will help you earn extra calories and will also decrease your appetite , especially if it's cardio!
    Plan ahead what you want on that cheat meal?
    Regarding alcohol - double danger there , as it's not just HUGE extra calories, but it's carbs and it reduces your inhibitions so you're apt to eat a lot more! For every alcoholic drink you consume, alternate with a big glass of Seltzer with lime - keeps you hydrated and helps with less consumption!
    Be ready to exercise and get right back on track Sunday - so that Monday you're already headed in back in the direction you were previously going.
    There is much research that surging calories every couple of weeks (but only for a day), can actually help to reset your metabolism. Most of the weight gain you will see on the scale will be water retention from carbs and alcohol and will be gone in 2-3 days (up to 5 lbs!)
    So , here's a question for you... Why are you not getting any exercise on a daily basis? It is a key component to losing effectively and maintaining your loss and would justify 1700 calories. Personally, I would lower your daily intake to around 1500, knock off ALL processed foods (cereals, breads, crackers, chips, etc) .
    Keep up the good work!!
  • Kalebsmommy424
    Kalebsmommy424 Posts: 110 Member
    Okay so u all are wonderful and your advice is great! Seeing as we are going to have a long day we are all supposed to meet up at 3pm..thats why I said i would eat cereal when i wake up and maybe carry around some rice cakes and almonds incase I want something.. We will go eat first and then onto the movies..I will sneak in some skinny popcorn(i love that!) That way I wont feel slighted..most of my drinking will probably be consumed at the bowling alley..I will log everything no matter how bad it may make me feel...I love to plan ahead in everything i do..Im kinda OCD with that lol..I am taking all of your advice..its so great thank you guys!
  • Kalebsmommy424
    Kalebsmommy424 Posts: 110 Member
    My schedule is so hectic...I literally cannot find to excercise...please help

    Im just getting into working out and its literally impossible for me to do it in the mornings..I start work at I get up at 430..shower get dressed ..get my 2 yr old up drop him off 20 mins away at daycare and then make the 45 min commute to work..I usually dont get to sleep until about 10pm..I usually work 7am-7pm 3 times a Im usually home about the time I get home..feed and bathe homework(yep 33yr old full time college student too) its 1030 and Im getting in the bed..Im ashamed to say i have the 30day shred(ive had it for almost 2 yrs and never took the plastic off of it) and usually the days I dont work OT I try to do a hr at the if anyone could help I would love to know how I could get excercise in as well
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    1 day off the trail wont hurt you.
    I intentionally throw in "cheat" days for a reason!

    So go out and enjoy!
    Log everything or at least try to.
    The next day, hop back on the trail!

    Worst thing that could happen is youll raise leptin levels and lose some fat!

  • MoreThanMommie
    MoreThanMommie Posts: 597 Member
    It might also help if you know where you're going to eat out that night. You can look online at the nutritional info. for a lot of restaurants. You could check and see if they have one for where you're going and know ahead of time what you're going to get.

    Log it all the best you can. Good luck, and have a good time!
  • tinksmommy2006
    I work out the day before and the day of what ever i will be doing...I up my water a little more if I know I will be eating out because I want to wash out the salt...I also up may water from what it is normally for the few days after I eat out...Also I would say eat something high in fiber and protein for breakfast....and then have a salad before you go eat...that way you are not as hungry and a salad wont take up that many calories...then work out again on Sunday. this is help to curb the scale from going over bored.
  • tyoung8
    tyoung8 Posts: 115 Member
    I always look at menus before I go out to eat. Just choose something sensible that is still good. Also if you do drink liquor DRINK IT STRAIGHT! cocktails with juice are double the calories! lol
  • Kalebsmommy424
    Kalebsmommy424 Posts: 110 Member
    It might also help if you know where you're going to eat out that night. You can look online at the nutritional info. for a lot of restaurants. You could check and see if they have one for where you're going and know ahead of time what you're going to get.

    Log it all the best you can. Good luck, and have a good time!

    LOL I definately know where Im going