
stackhead Posts: 121 Member
Hi there,

I've been a member of MFP for a while now. I joined it whilst I was on SW as an exercise of curiosity (to see how much I was actually eating!). Then I did WW (didn't really lose a great deal, I don't know if that was me taking liberaties with the 49 weeklies allowance). I haven't actually become an active member (y'know joining the community and all that!) so I thought whilst giving MFP a proper shot to shift the weight I might as well join in with the (sometimes dubious - after browsing today :D) banter.

So a little background about me:
I have ALWAYS been overweight, I was a chubby kid who turned into a fat teen who turned into an obese adult (I have no problems using the terms fat/obese to discribe myself - no use in denying the truth now!).

I'm 22 (23 in a couple of weeks) and 5"10 (closer to 11 then 10 but meh!) at the beginning of this journey I weighed 303lbs, i've lost 31lbs (10% ish of my original body weight) and although it took 12 months to do it, i'm happy with that; the way I see it is it took 21 years to get to 21 stone, so i'm ok with taking my time taking the weight off. I've been sucessfully maintaining that loss for a few months (while I move out of my parents and get used to living with my housemate) and now i'm looking to start losing again.

I've set my calorie goal at just over 1800 (this promises 1 - 1.5lbs loss a week - I think :S) and I am super happy with that rate of loss. The only exercise I get (at the moment) is my walk to and from work (which is about 12 minutes each way, I have logged this before and MFP gave me 124 cals for that (which seems like a fair bit for a slow walk to work and back!! - so I don't eat them). I've got about 100lbs to get me to my interim goal (which i'm only basing on BMI as i've never been slim EVER!) so we'll see when I get closer to the weight :)

Anyway, hope to get to know other people on the same journey and hopefully getting to goal together!

Stack x