


  • siecoleman
    siecoleman Posts: 18
    I use p90xcalories.com... follow the instructions. I always do mid intensity. Undercompensate the workout and overcompensate food intake to be sure. Good luck, you'll love it and will definitely see results!
  • henjenca
    henjenca Posts: 3
    I'm starting p90x on Monday, I've never used it before. I am just finishing up 30day shred and have lost 8 lbs, I am looking forward to gaining some muscle and getting leaner.

    Keep us posted on how you are doing and how you like it! -I'm interested since you will be a bit ahead of me on this. :)
  • taxidermist15
    taxidermist15 Posts: 677 Member
    For those who saw good muscle retention Did you guys eat a deficit or maintainence?
  • ewager17
    ewager17 Posts: 4 Member
    I really like to combine the p90x workouts and cardio. I didn't want to cut out all cardio but I wanted to tone some of the key areas p90x targets. I have had great results - and it is sustainable long term. I follow this routine generally -
    Monday - Cardio (running) + abs (either my own workout or p90x ab ripper x)
    Tuesday- P90x Plyometrics (in my opinion the HARDEST p90x workout)
    Wednesday- P90x Arms and Shoulders
    Thursday - Cardio (running)
    Friday - P90x Legs and Back
    Saturday - Cardio (running)
    Sunday - off

    Sometimes I will switch in p90x Kenpo for one of the running days just to mix things up.
  • relly1008
    relly1008 Posts: 175 Member
    I really like to combine the p90x workouts and cardio. I didn't want to cut out all cardio but I wanted to tone some of the key areas p90x targets. I have had great results - and it is sustainable long term. I follow this routine generally -
    Monday - Cardio (running) + abs (either my own workout or p90x ab ripper x)
    Tuesday- P90x Plyometrics (in my opinion the HARDEST p90x workout)
    Wednesday- P90x Arms and Shoulders
    Thursday - Cardio (running)
    Friday - P90x Legs and Back
    Saturday - Cardio (running)
    Sunday - off

    Sometimes I will switch in p90x Kenpo for one of the running days just to mix things up.

    I'm on my fifth week, and definitely think that Plyo is the hardest of p90x, i starting doubles this week, and change the yoga for other workout that combines yoga and pilates, because i think that Tony Horton version is too long, not a lot of weight loss, but starting to see some definition.
  • tigerbluefly
    tigerbluefly Posts: 257 Member
    For those who saw good muscle retention Did you guys eat a deficit or maintainence?

    Maintenance on P90X for me would be 2400 calories a day. My coach put me on a deficit so I would lose body fat.

    I was told to eat 1800 calories a day, regardless of what workout I did that day. On my one rest day I dropped it to 1700 though.

    I am also a runner and run 3-4 times a week, around 6-10K, and a long run on Saturdays, around 18-20K. My coach told me to eat back half my running calories when I added a run to the program days.

    I should add, if you don't eat enough on this program, you won't have success. You really need the fuel to build muscle.
  • ewager17
    ewager17 Posts: 4 Member
    I ate a deficit - mostly because my main goal was to lose body fat, but tone in the process.
  • eodtech89d
    eodtech89d Posts: 32
    Well I have 23 days left with my first rotation with P90x and so far I have gotten great results with it up to this point. I've gone from no visible abs to Visible abs, if you push yourself hard enough you will get the results you want. It's the same with any type of workout, all you need is determination and drive.
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    I really like to combine the p90x workouts and cardio. I didn't want to cut out all cardio but I wanted to tone some of the key areas p90x targets. I have had great results - and it is sustainable long term. I follow this routine generally -
    Monday - Cardio (running) + abs (either my own workout or p90x ab ripper x)
    Tuesday- P90x Plyometrics (in my opinion the HARDEST p90x workout)
    Wednesday- P90x Arms and Shoulders
    Thursday - Cardio (running)
    Friday - P90x Legs and Back
    Saturday - Cardio (running)
    Sunday - off

    Sometimes I will switch in p90x Kenpo for one of the running days just to mix things up.

    I like this! I'm about to finish my 2nd round of P90x today, actually......and am trying to work out a maintenance plan. I like this a lot but it's very different from what I have been sketching out for myself. How long have you been doing this hybrid...you don't feel you have lost any ground? I want to get to this and am so worried about losing what I gained.....thanks!

    by the way, on the overall discussion, I love P90x.......the dicipline and strength you gain is amazing. I was already at my lowest weight when I started, so I didn't lose weight, but it definitely has made me stronger and sent me out of my comfort zone--a very good thing. I would highly recommend it.
  • ewager17
    ewager17 Posts: 4 Member
    I really really think the hybrid cardio/P90x is the best combo for me. I have been doing it since February 2012 and have lost almost 20 lbs. That being said - I had 20 lbs. to lose. I have never had any trouble pushing myself when it comes to running or cardio but I have almost no weight training experience and I was always scared to get bulky. Running is something I like to do and weight training isn't. I think that using the weight training portion of p90x gave me a great starting point and I like the way the workouts can be modified (lighter weight more reps) to build and tone lean muscle. I have also found that doing the plyometrics p90x workout has really improved my endurance and agility when it comes to my own cardio workouts. I have also worked on my eating habits - I track virtually everything that goes in my mouth.
  • hpynh2o
    hpynh2o Posts: 194 Member
    Do it!

    I lost a ton and gained muscle mass and definition. Plus, I enjoyed the ease of "just push play" and will swear by the results.

    I tell my friends and family to enter slowly and go at your own pace. No one expects that everyone will be able to keep up early on. As you get more comfortable with the program, you'll find that you can do more and more. As you get better at the individual exercises, be sure to max out your efforts. Tony will tell you what your goals should be. You should be struggling on those last couple of reps. The schedule is pre-thought out. I would try to follow it as closely as possible. This way you're hitting all the muscle groups and getting in your cardio.

    Good luck!
  • jackiemonx
    jackiemonx Posts: 343 Member
    i just got the dvds n i did the cardio and half the plyo disc to see what it was like before i started....i found them a lot easier than i thought they would be. i only vurnt 440 cal in the hour according to my hrm. anyone else felt this??? is insanity better?
  • SilkyHotspur
    SilkyHotspur Posts: 233 Member
    i just got the dvds n i did the cardio and half the plyo disc to see what it was like before i started....i found them a lot easier than i thought they would be. i only vurnt 440 cal in the hour according to my hrm. anyone else felt this??? is insanity better?

    They are two different programs....Tell you what, look at my profile for today's workout, it is essentially DVD #3. To summarize, i'm doing 12 set of Shoulder, 12 sets of Biceps, and 12 sets of Triceps. P90X is more for building muscle, cardio vascular/cutting. Insanity is more for lean and cutting....really your choice. If you go by cardio..insanity is tougher....if you go by pure weights....P90x all the way.
  • SilkyHotspur
    SilkyHotspur Posts: 233 Member
    Looking at all the posts and replies is dizzying..I run P90X all the time, i only workout 3 days a week...its all i have time for. If someone asked me what the diet plan is, I would have no idea. I eat pretty clean (wine counts right?). On days I lift, I eat more calories and protein..how much ..not sure...just more :-). On days i don't lift, and may or may not do cardio, i eat very little....i may also fast one day a week, just depends on how i feel. I try not to make it too much of an exact science on the food part. The only days I concentrate on exactly what I eat, and what supplements i take is on weight days.
  • jackiemonx
    jackiemonx Posts: 343 Member
    i just got the dvds n i did the cardio and half the plyo disc to see what it was like before i started....i found them a lot easier than i thought they would be. i only vurnt 440 cal in the hour according to my hrm. anyone else felt this??? is insanity better?

    They are two different programs....Tell you what, look at my profile for today's workout, it is essentially DVD #3. To summarize, i'm doing 12 set of Shoulder, 12 sets of Biceps, and 12 sets of Triceps. P90X is more for building muscle, cardio vascular/cutting. Insanity is more for lean and cutting....really your choice. If you go by cardio..insanity is tougher....if you go by pure weights....P90x all the way.

    thanks! i dont want to follow the dvds alone, just something a bit different to add in when im not at the gym or running etc. i might download the insanity ones as well, just to try.
  • SilkyHotspur
    SilkyHotspur Posts: 233 Member
    i just got the dvds n i did the cardio and half the plyo disc to see what it was like before i started....i found them a lot easier than i thought they would be. i only vurnt 440 cal in the hour according to my hrm. anyone else felt this??? is insanity better?

    They are two different programs....Tell you what, look at my profile for today's workout, it is essentially DVD #3. To summarize, i'm doing 12 set of Shoulder, 12 sets of Biceps, and 12 sets of Triceps. P90X is more for building muscle, cardio vascular/cutting. Insanity is more for lean and cutting....really your choice. If you go by cardio..insanity is tougher....if you go by pure weights....P90x all the way.

    thanks! i dont want to follow the dvds alone, just something a bit different to add in when im not at the gym or running etc. i might download the insanity ones as well, just to try.

    The best thing about P90X is that there is nothing special about it. It is simply basic weightlifting, easy moves that you can take to the gym if you want a break from home.....Try the Ab-RipperX, has its own DVD, and comes at the end of every weight training day... :-)
  • jackiemonx
    jackiemonx Posts: 343 Member
    i just got the dvds n i did the cardio and half the plyo disc to see what it was like before i started....i found them a lot easier than i thought they would be. i only vurnt 440 cal in the hour according to my hrm. anyone else felt this??? is insanity better?

    They are two different programs....Tell you what, look at my profile for today's workout, it is essentially DVD #3. To summarize, i'm doing 12 set of Shoulder, 12 sets of Biceps, and 12 sets of Triceps. P90X is more for building muscle, cardio vascular/cutting. Insanity is more for lean and cutting....really your choice. If you go by cardio..insanity is tougher....if you go by pure weights....P90x all the way.

    thanks! i dont want to follow the dvds alone, just something a bit different to add in when im not at the gym or running etc. i might download the insanity ones as well, just to try.

    The best thing about P90X is that there is nothing special about it. It is simply basic weightlifting, easy moves that you can take to the gym if you want a break from home.....Try the Ab-RipperX, has its own DVD, and comes at the end of every weight training day... :-)

    yeah im already doin weights and stuff at the gym so was more a different cardio option i was looking for