Charlie Horse during jogging. Advice, please!

This morning since I didn't have to be in to work until 1:00, I decided I'd get my work out in early. I'm on W3D3 of C25K. I made it through the first cycle pretty well. During the second 90 second run, I started getting a Charlie Horse in my calf. I kept on running, thinking I'd work it out. It then started making my ankle weak. Because I was compensating for the calf and ankle, it then aggravated my plantar fasciitis problem, causing burning all in my tendon. So, I stopped running and walked (limped) the rest of the way home, taking breaks to try to work out the pain. I seriously thought about tryign to get in to see my podiatrist today, but after resting the foot got some better. My ankle still feels weak.

I am so mad at my body! I feel like I've failed for today. Should I have kept running or did I do the right thing? Should I try it again tonight? What would you more experienced runners do? HELP!


  • LBash03
    LBash03 Posts: 72
    Water helps prevent cramps and charlie horses.. make sure you are well hydrated!! Also, and i am not 100% on this one, but I was told that bananas also help prevent cramps because of the pottasium. Definitely make sure you are drinking enough water though!
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    You did the right thing. As said above, potential causes include low potassium, water, and sodium. Besides making sure you have enough of those things you can stretch the hamstrings between runs and use the stick to massage them.