Just messed up BIG time :(



  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    It's called life, and being human. Hi, my name is Becky, I'm human too, and I also eat at restaurants, and I LOVE mexican food.

    You are allowed to live your life one day at a time. You know that you overate, so you should now physically and emotionally/mentally KNOW how to counteract it. Your actions, and the fact that you came here to vent about it show that you are learning how to deal with it. Extra exercise, LOTS of extra water throughout the week and you'll be ok.

    Just don't make pigging out at lunch an every day thing. Keep it down to once or twice a month...
  • Leslie85
    Leslie85 Posts: 265 Member
    It's okay. My office had left over muffins from a breakfast meeting they held this morning...and I pigged out on a chocolate chip one for about 3 or 4 huge bites, pretty much inhaling them...then looked at the muffin disgust and threw it away. If anyone had been watching they probably would have thought I was crazy.

    But hey, it happens. Just think of it as a little rewards for all the other hard work you're doing :-P I already have a very healthy dinner planned so I don't feel quite as bad :)
  • Kissybiz
    Kissybiz Posts: 361 Member
    I have allowed myself to indulge and just take a vacation from logging and weighing every single thing for the past week or so. And I hadn't felt like working out with the same enthusiam as I had been. I texted my trainer hoping he'd strong-arm me into getting back with it, and he said to just take the weekend off.. recharge my batteries and get back with it Monday morning. Which is exactly what I did. I know the scale will suffer for it, because I went out with friends for pizza, had some chocolate cream pie, indulged in fast food, and of course the drinking. But I had a great time not worrying about it everytime I went out with a friend or family member and I enjoyed being lazy and visiting the "dark side." I know the weigh in I have this afternoon will suffer for it... but I'm not going to stress over it. I'm not in a weight-loss race and this is a lifelong process. He was right. I needed a break and I'm back to being fully committed again.

    Enjoy your Mexican food or whatever else calls you from time to time. Life and all it has to offer is to be enjoyed!
  • medaglia_06
    medaglia_06 Posts: 282 Member
    Yup, been there... WATER, WATER, WATER and just be careful for the rest of the week
  • medaglia_06
    medaglia_06 Posts: 282 Member
    And now I want Mexican food :huh: LOL
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Either work it off and go burn some extra calories or move on and forget it. One day is not going to ruin your progress.
  • littlewhittles
    littlewhittles Posts: 402 Member
    I totally just pigged out on Mexican food, and of course, am feeling SO guilty!!! WHY do I do this?!?! UGH...

    I did that last week. I wanted Taco Bell badly and I ate it. It was awesome and I got right back on the band wagon the next day. I know people have differing opinions on cheats, etc. but for me, I have to give in every once in a while or I feel totally deprived.

    Me too.
  • Sinisi2012
    Sinisi2012 Posts: 333 Member
    I agree with what everyone is telling you, we all mess up from time to time. It's ok to do this as long as it doesn't become a habit.
    I did that last week and beat myself up over it for days. However it actually helped me, I ended up "punishing myself and I worked out harder than ever and eat healthier than ever for the rest of the week and I ended up losing 1.4 lbs :)
    Just log it and move on, tomorrow is a new day!
  • jdploki70
    jdploki70 Posts: 343
    a pound of ground turkey, one cup salsa or tomato and pepper blend, taco seasoning, water, cup of instant brown rice (maybe two cups), light sour cream and low fat cheese. If you are feeling particularly deprived, you can add a tortilla. Brown the meat, toss everything else in together, follow the directions for your brown rice, and in about 15 min you can have your Mexican food cravings sorted. Full serving is about 500 calories, with tortilla it's closer to 700. I cook healthier alternatives to my cravings so I don't have them as much, and make them so easy even my wife can cook them in a pinch.
  • Qatsi
    Qatsi Posts: 2,191 Member
    Been there, done that. Early on I scarfed down an entire plate of nachos (2000 calories) and washed it down with a couple pints of beer - even though I KNEW I would feel like crap afterwards. It takes a while to unlearn bad habits and replace them with new ones.

    As other people have suggested, log this in your diary (to stay honest with yourself), and try a little harder going forward. One bad day doesn't make you a failure - unless you give up. And you're NOT planning on giving up, right? :huh:
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Move on.
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    It's okay! You should treat yourself once in a while. It keeps your body guessing, and it will keep you from binging when you get to your goal weight. I let myself have a spoonful of ice cream here, a piece of pie there, and a slice of deep dish on Fridays. I allow for it in my budget, and if I do end up going over, I just make up for it the next day or work out a little more that week. No biggie!

    Since the idea is to make this a lifestyle, not a diet, do you see why you should treat yourself? My healthy, thin friends are all masters of balancing their calories and workouts. They eat whatever they want, in moderation. Moderation is the key.

    I work with a lady who makes the most amazing, delicious, fresh-tasting cupcakes ever. The frosting is so light and not too sweet. She made a bunch for our team yesterday. Instead of having my usual four, I had one. I enjoyed every single bite. :)
  • AimeeLynn90
    AimeeLynn90 Posts: 94
    Almost everyone is going to say the same thing. As long as youre not doing it every day, one day, let alone one meal isn't going to push you all the way back to were you started from. We all do it, youre definitely not alone. Just don't give up, and focus tomorrow.
  • rcates2424
    rcates2424 Posts: 208
    Been there the other day, got home and hit the treadmill until i burnt 700 cals, felt exhausted and fantastic after!
  • Lula16
    Lula16 Posts: 628 Member
    just log it in and make up for it tomorrow! its all give and take!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    :ohwell: Eh, it happens to the best of us. Get over it and get back on track.
  • NathanJ79
    NathanJ79 Posts: 36
    What others have said, plus...

    What's working for me this time is eating what I want, just in smaller servings (sometimes, not always). On a crash diet a few years ago, I lost 40 pounds in a month. That sounds impressive, but I couldn't keep it off because I was eating like a bird and the food was nasty. This works better. Only 21 pounds lost in 2 months, but hey, slow and steady wins the race. I'm okay with this taking a couple years. If it *only* takes a couple years, I'm fine with that. So I count the calories and try to stay under. Sometimes I go over, sometimes I go under. On average I stay under, though.

    My first time at a Mexican restaurant after I started counting, I thought it would be devastating. I walked it off and got under my calories for that day. And I had an oblong plate full of nachos. (Had to guess on the calories, though.)

    I haven't had pizza or a burger since I started. I'm getting a pizza this weekend. Pizza Hut Stuffed Crust is my poison, but, fortunately, I discovered that I like veggie pizza as much as meat. Meat is good but it gets so greasy, weighs the pizza down. Meat lovers who haven't had a *good* veggie pizza (I like onions, olives, jalapenos, tomatoes, and pepperoni on mine -- gotta have one meat) don't know what they're missing. It's gonna "cost" a lot of calories, but I'm gonna split it with my wife and I'm gonna walk it off.

    Another thing that works for me, not really relevant but I feel like adding it, is, if I know what I'm having for dinner, I log that in advance. I also try to think about 400 calories for dessert. So today, after breakfast (leftover taco casserole) and dinner, I have 877 calories left, or 477 if I want dessert. I can make a decently filling sandwich for about 220. Banana is about 110, so that's 150 for whatever. Completely doable. Taco casserole for breakfast, turkey and provolone on flatbread with banana for lunch, some kind of snack (yogurt, maybe oatmeal), and chicken, pasta, and asparagus for dinner. Chocolate ice cream for dessert. (Light ice cream.) I go under the calories, I lose a couple pounds a week doing this. Totally doable. Maybe I'm "not doing it right" or "could be doing it better" but hey, this actually works. Maybe not as fast as it could, but I can live with this.
  • gr8pillock
    gr8pillock Posts: 374 Member
    I totally just pigged out on Mexican food, and of course, am feeling SO guilty!!! WHY do I do this?!?! UGH...

    Dude, if you told me right now that I would never be allowed to pig out on Mexican food again, I'd embrace obesity like it was going out of style. You have to be allowed days like these every once in a while. As cavemen, do you think they picked and preened as they celebrated making a massive kill? NO! They pigged the hell out every once in a blue moon and made up for it with other days and busting their butts physically. I'm sorry, but if you told me in order to be a bombshell I'd have to give up EVER being able to pig out on Mexican food again, I'd embrace obesity like it was going out of style!

    Sorry! I love me some Mexican food. now don't even get me started on Cake with buttercream frosting.
  • mhaunga
    mhaunga Posts: 13 Member
    you did WHAT??? :noway: Drop and give me 20....NOW!!!
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    If you wake up tomorrow morning, rejoice, for it is a new day, and you've lived through the Great Mexican Feast Of 2012.

    And next time, share with me. :(