Losing my get up and go!!! Help!!!

Hi guys,
I returned to work last week after a 7 year career break. I've gone from running and racing after my 2 children to sitting at a desk 8 hours a day and it's making me feel very anxious. When I come home in the evenings I'm exhausted and don't have any motivation. I haven't worked out in 2 weeks and this was the first week that I didn't have a loss. It was all going so well but now it feels like I'm losing my motivation. I need help. I need tips. Help!!!!
Kitty x


  • teachthal
    teachthal Posts: 6 Member
    We've all been there! How about working out in the am before work? Also, pack a healthy lunch/snacks the night before. It is also not fun to sit for 8 hours, so go to the bathroom on another floor, or take a short walk for lunch, anything to get your butt moving. I can imagine that going back to work is tough, stick with it!
  • twink221
    twink221 Posts: 10
    Get some small hand weights that u can keep under your desk or in a drawer. Lift them when you can.. A little bit will add up and when you see those muscles developing you will get more motivated.
  • LAWoman79
    LAWoman79 Posts: 348 Member
    When I'm at work, whenever I go to the ladies, (I drink a lot of water) I do 10 squats, I will also go for a walk on my lunch break, also, I do jumping jacks in our conference room when no one else is around. It's not fun doing any of this in heels, buy, I feel it keeps my energy up, and keeps me motivated throughout the day so I can also workout late st night..
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    I felt this way when I started my current job. A big part of your exhaustion is just the fact that you're probably still getting used to the schedule, that will pass. Until it does try going to bed 30 minutes earlier each night if you can. The extra rest will help you adjust faster.

    Until you get back in your groove you are just going to have to force yourself to workout. I workout at lunch (who needs 60 minutes to eat a sandwich?) most of the time and really like it. It breaks up the day and makes it go faster. If lunch isn't an option, go in the morning on the way into work, or on the way home. I had to force myself to go on the way home for a month until I got back in shape and then it got easier. If I let myself drive home, I realized I never went back out to the gym. Just get it over with on the way home. It's also a great way to burn off the day's stress. I know for people with kids that isn't always an option though, so maybe mornings would work better for you. I'm not a morning person but at least once a week I do a morning run. On those days I feel more productive at work and more alert. Also if you do the workout first thing you don't have to worry that something will come up later (last minute meeting, picking up the kids, etc.) that will get in the way of your workout time.

    The other thing I did was get a pedaler for under my desk (about $15-20 bucks on Amazon). When I have to sit on the phone for a long time I can pedal quietly under my desk to get the blood flowing. No one even knows I have it.

    You'll get back with it, just don't wait too much longer because we all know the longer you wait the harder it will be to come back. good luck :)
  • sweating2daOldies
    sweating2daOldies Posts: 10 Member
    Although I'm a stay at home mom stil, my walking buddy isn't and she is dealing with the same situation. So to help her, I walk with her at least four nights a week. As she is very heavy and it is difficult for her to do any other exercise as of yet. She has seen a difference and has been successfully slowly losing weight. Perhaps any early morning quick workout. A lunch time walk, park your car a little further away and briskly walk to your destinations.... I'll search some and get back to you with more info. :)
  • KittyHeff
    KittyHeff Posts: 56 Member
    Thanks guys. My gym doesn't open til 8am and I have to be in work for 8.30. I finish at 5pm but need to get home to do dinner, homework and spend some time with the kids. I don't sit down most evenings til about 10pm. I usually watch about 30 mins of TV then bed. I just can't find the time. There's no where in my office to work out. I could go out during lunch but I don't like walking. I love running. Afraid I'd get too sweaty if I went for a run at lunch. Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Think I'll just have to do double workouts at the weekend.