How good is your Support System?

LisaTay81 Posts: 13 Member
Last year I became emotional eater. I suppose I've always been an emotional eater but I never let myself get this big before. I went from 140 to 210 in about a year. My weight always went up and down like a yo-yo but it never got about 150. I like this site/app it's been very helpful.

My stressful event!

When the weight gain began... (January 2011) Weighed around 145
I was very stressed at work. They were having me work 60+ hours a week. I had to work holiday's. Barely, had time to take my vacation and if you didn't use it, you'd lose it.

Around May there was a rumor going around about another layoff. By mid May I found out I was in the layoff. Around this time my weight had gone up to 172.

Halloween day (the before my birthday) my childhood best friend passes away. I weighed around 195

January 2nd, 2012 my dog of 13 years got sick and I had to put her to sleep. It was a very hard decision and still eats me up inside. I weigh 210 around this time

Good news: I've been trying to lose weight and I've lose almost 20 lbs. I got married to a wonderful man on March 1st of this year and we're having a wedding next year in July. Another reason for trying to lose the weight. But mostly I am losing the weight for myself.

I'm going to start a program called slim4life on Monday. I hope it's as good as everyone say's they are. lol! Has anyone heard of this program?

I also created a website since I'm not working and bored. So if anyone would like to check it out.