Starting over again

I am starting over again for the millionth time. I am a 35 year old stay at home mom of 4. I joined here last summer and had lost 23 lbs then I gained 6 of it back. I started at 217 then got down to 194 now am back up to 200. I am 5' 7" I am SEVERELY addicted to junk food. Sweets are my weakness. I had brownies and ice cream today :( I started back on my journey yesterday. I posted all my pictures on my facebook page hoping my friends there will hold me accountable but definitely wanted to come back here and make some new friends that have the same goal in mind. I have done this previously and lost 70 lbs in ten months and kept it off for 5 years but life got really stressful. I am a recovering alcoholic (sober 19 months today) and when I went into rehab to stop drinking, I started eating....and didn't stop. I ballooned up from 140 to 217 in about six months!!!!!! Now I'm ready to shed this weight! Like I said I actually started this journey last summer then took a break but I'm back in action for real! I do have health problems so I have to start slow but every little bit helps. Send me a friend request if you like!