Need Help and advice

jsukhan Posts: 149 Member
I'm 37 I'm just under 6 feet, and weight 160 lbs. I don't really need to loose weight. What I want to do is get rid of my "love handles" for lack of a better term. The small roll along my sides. We are own worst critics right?
I am on my feet 7 hours a day for work. I try to work out 5-6 days a week. I only do about 20-30 minutes of cardio. I do about 120 ab crunches a day.
I eat about 1900 to 2000 calories a day. But I don't eat back the calories I earn from excercise.
Feel free to check my diaries, if you can't see them I'll add you.
Am I not eating enough, eating too much? Not enough cardio?
Any feedback would help.


  • Mommy_Time
    Mommy_Time Posts: 256 Member
    I think Insanity is the program for u to help u get ripped more and burn the extra 'fat' off your body. It gives u how many calories to eat to lose, maintain or gain weight as well.

    Have u done backward crunches? Don't know what to call them but once upon a time i use to be in great shape and I would lay on my stomach on my bed and hand off the edge about to my hips and would go down and raise up. Hope I am explaining it good. That will help with that area as you can raise up and angle it.

    Also a great exercise for the love handles is grab a weight about 20lbs or so and hold it in one hand and bring it to the opposite side foot. meaning if you have the weight in your right hand you want to go to your left foot. have the weight hang done verse holding it up. You should feel it in that area. It does help.
  • jsukhan
    jsukhan Posts: 149 Member
    I think Insanity is the program for u to help u get ripped more and burn the extra 'fat' off your body. It gives u how many calories to eat to lose, maintain or gain weight as well.

    Have u done backward crunches? Don't know what to call them but once upon a time i use to be in great shape and I would lay on my stomach on my bed and hand off the edge about to my hips and would go down and raise up. Hope I am explaining it good. That will help with that area as you can raise up and angle it.

    Also a great exercise for the love handles is grab a weight about 20lbs or so and hold it in one hand and bring it to the opposite side foot. meaning if you have the weight in your right hand you want to go to your left foot. have the weight hang done verse holding it up. You should feel it in that area. It does help.

    What's Insanity?
    I think the ab exercise your refering to it hyper extensions.
    I'll try the dumbells too.
    Thank-you for you feedback.
  • Mommy_Time
    Mommy_Time Posts: 256 Member
    insanity is a beach body program that is 60 days in length. It is said to be the hardest workout there is right now. here is the fb page

    I am not a coach or anything just like telling ppl about something I think will be good :)
  • Mommy_Time
    Mommy_Time Posts: 256 Member
    and with the dumbells make sure to have your legs about shoulder width apart.
  • jsukhan
    jsukhan Posts: 149 Member
    insanity is a beach body program that is 60 days in length. It is said to be the hardest workout there is right now. here is the fb page

    I am not a coach or anything just like telling ppl about something I think will be good :)

    Can't afford workout videos.
    But thanks for the info.