Two Weeks In and Looking for Meal Ideas

Dixie341 Posts: 26 Member
I am just over two weeks in and I really like MFP. I am struggling a bit with coming up with ideas of what to eat throughout the day. My goal is 1330 but I always seem to go over (aprox 1600 - 1800) and I end up having to work out a lot to burn the extra calories.

I would love to hear some ideas for meals and ways of planning what to eat if you have any!


  • ixchel78
    ixchel78 Posts: 57 Member
    Use the recipe builder on this site and plan your dinners a few days ahead so you know what to expect and don't get caught last minute with no dinner.

    I tend to browse different websites that have healthy/low cal dinner ideas and customize them if I don't like an ingredient.

    As you find recipes just bookmark them or keep a list on the fridge of what you liked so you don't forget to make it again.

    I control my days by generally sticking to Lean Cuisine type lunches for when I am working since they are quick and easy, and add in fresh fruit, low cal yogurt, etc. That way I keep a low calorie lunch and save a few extra calories for dinner. By keeping breakfast and lunch consistent you can have a target for how many calories you can use for dinner (I average 500-600 and still have room for a 100 calorie type dessert).

    Lean proteins and lots of steamed or roasted veggies are a good way to get a filling and healthy dinner with minimum calories as well. The key is flavor, use marinades, herbs, a little olive oil so it doesn't get boring. Honey mustard baked salmon with some roasted broccoli is a favorite of mine.

    All in all, I commit a few hours a week to planning my week menu to keep within my calorie budget and just keep on the lookout for low cal meals and snacks to keep things interesting. Planning and being honest with your food diary will keep you on track.

    Good luck!
  • citygirl4ever
    citygirl4ever Posts: 123 Member
    I agree with ixchel78, except for the frozen dinners. (Frozen dinners are great for portion control but I try to stay away from process foods.) Planning is key. You can check out "cooking light" website or pick up the mag for ideas. I am not working right now, but when I did work, I would make extra food at dinner and take that for lunch. Also, once a month you can take one weekend and make a bunch of stuff and freeze it. For example when I make brown rice, I usually make 3 cups and then freeze 1/2 to 1 cup portions for future meals. I do the same with ground turkey...make two packets of ground turkey than freeze. So much that you can freeze for future meals. I make turkey meatloaf and I'll take 4oz portions and place in muffin tins and freeze. Once frozen I remove them from the tin and wrap in plastic wrap and put them in freezer bags. You can also make marinades ahead of time and freeze in ice cube trays. Once frozen place in freezer bags for later use. You could freeze almost anything, except for cheese and potatoes.

    Good Luck!!!
  • akaallice
    akaallice Posts: 8 Member
    Spark recipes, cooking light, skinny skillet app, and shape all have good recipes.
  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    what sort of things do you like eating?

    i love pasta so i cook some wholewheat pasta grill some chicken then add some tinned sweetcorn and a jar of salsa sauce to the cooked pasta and mix in the chicken. thats only 438 cals.

    also if you like rice then instead of rice blend up raw cauliflower and microwave it for 2-3 minutes and serve with a curry or chilli - you can have loads of it for alot less cals and when you serve it with things that soak up the flavour it doesnt matter.

    chinese - i fry up some chicken until golden brown add a mix of 1 lime ( juice) and nandos peri peri hot sauce (about 3 tablespoons) and add to the chicken in the frying pan serve with rice or noodles again only about 400 cals.

    hope this helps.