Scared to Death!!


I had a mini tantrum on Monday morning and quit weight watchers so here I am, hoping MFP is going to help me lose some weight!

As a bit of background, I used to weigh 17 stone. I lost 4 stone doing weight watchers at home (the old points system) a couple of years ago. I then maintained at 13 stone, which although still overweight, I was quite chilled about. Slowly the weight started to creep back on until I reached 14 stone and realised I had to do something. I rejoined weight watchers last August.

Since then I have yo-yoed. Go on holiday - put on 11lb. Lose 10lb then it's Christmas and I put on 8 etc etc. In January I joined a gym and now do at least 4 classes a week - kick boxing, zumba and pilates. However, despite doing all these classes, I'm not losing the weight. Last week I did 4 classes, came off plan at the weekend (didn't gorge, just didn't count as I was visiting family and eating meals with them) and I put on 3lb! This is despite doing all the exercise!! I am now back to 14 stone but £200 poorer for it bearing in mind I'm paying £19.99 a month for weight watchers. I found myself feeling stressed and guilty all the time and I just can't live like that anymore. I also don't want me daughter seeing me obsess about food as much as I have been. She's nearly 7 and already asks me when I get home from weight watchers "how much did you lose" and "I'm going to go to weight watchers when I'm a grown up" - I don't want her getting body obsessed like me!

Therefore I'm hoping to improve my diet and lose some weight in conjunction with the gym. I am absolutely PETRIFIED I will put all my weight back on. What I try to explain to people is that what I see in the mirror is the same as what I saw when I was 17 stone - I never realised how overweight I was - and I am so scared it will creep back on and before I know it I'm back in my size 20s......

I really hope this website is going to help me achieve my goals. I have a holiday with friends to Vegas next March (mid-life crisis??!) so would like to have lost some weight before then....

I hope this is the place that works for me!

Any support (and weight loss friends) welcomed with open (bingo winged) arms!!



  • ericgAU
    ericgAU Posts: 271
    Hi there

    From what you say, sounds like you threw the baby out with the bath water in ditching Weight Watchers. Not my preference, but FOOD is what accounts for the major part of weight loss. I'm not sure why you quit WW but if you can't structure or plan out your own meals then WW was probably a major factor for your past success.
  • slenderwarrior
    Hi...sent you a friend request. This has been the best site for helping me lose weight. Much better than any of the normal weight loss 'clubs'. But that's my humble opinion. Hope it starts working for you too...

    If you want any suggestions, drop me a message!

  • the_albino_1
    the_albino_1 Posts: 101 Member
    I have never heard of bingo wings... I had to look that one up in the urban dictionary... :laugh:

    I can understand wanting to set a good example for your daughter and not wanting her to be body obsessed. I can't saw much as others can, I've only been on since Saturday, but I do like it. It's easy to document my food and exercise. The people I am friends with can help me make better plans of what to eat.

    I hope you success, if you need a friend to help encourage you, hit me up. :)
  • paulwgun
    paulwgun Posts: 439 Member
    Personally i detest slimming clubs I've always looked at it as paying to use someone else's scales LOL:bigsmile:

    I suppose they are useful with the support and all that but I can get that on MFP

    use your £19.99 this month to buy a scale and welcome to MFP :bigsmile:

    o and happy logging

    friend request sent
  • kamiAK
    kamiAK Posts: 100 Member
    you are way to stressed, and that is the worst thing for trying to lose weight. when your stressed your body will hold on to fat. take a deep breath, have a drink,,,,14 lb arent the end of the world. your body gets used to the same kind of exercise, try something different, lift some weights, try a climbing wall, play frisbe. everything will be ok.
  • jonski1968
    jonski1968 Posts: 4,498 Member
    Good luck...You`ll find loads of support/ideas on here..
  • Claire594
    Claire594 Posts: 357 Member
    I've tried a lot of slimming clubs - weight watchers, slimming world, unislim and while they worked for a while I found that over time I quit and the weight slowly crept on. I started mfp in January and still feel so motivated. The people on here are so supportive. Logging food is easy and keeping track is even easier. No food is out of bounds so I don't feel restricted though I am finding as I go along, certain foods aren't just worth the cals so I'm naturally eating healthier. I've lost 43lbs so far so something is working.

    Welcome to mfp. It's a great site. Feel free to add me for support and good luck :)
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    GOOD LUCK!,, you need friends to help you stay motivated! YOU CAN DO IT!
  • auntygill
    auntygill Posts: 108 Member
    Hi , Dont be scared ,i used to do weightwatchers and i have lost alot with them in the past . but i have to say i like this way of loosing weight better , i eat much more than i did on the WW plan and seem to loose more weight , so have a go i am sure you will like it .:flowerforyou:
  • tashachaney
    Me too!

    The thought of returning to my old weight fills me with dread. All my 'fat' clothes I proudly gave away 2 years ago would come in very useful now! With Summer coming I am dreading getting my arms out!

    I have tried every diet going with some success, the best being Slimming World. I really recommend it. I was going to re-join tonight but I have joined and left 9 times in the last 2 years and am too embarrassed to go back now.

    You have managed to lose weight before so you can do it again. I am also new to this site too so some support would be great.
  • SunKissed1989
    SunKissed1989 Posts: 1,314 Member
    Hey :smile:
    My personal opinion is that you shouldn't have to go out of your way in an attempt to lose weight, especially if it means forking out a monthly fee for healthy recipe ideas, support and weekly weigh-ins (all things we do here on MFP for free).
    Nothing against those who do join weight watchers or slimming world etc...(my uncle's losing weight using weight watchers and it is working), but MFP has been extremely helpful to me and have steadily started losing weight simply by changing my eating habits and the support groups available here.

    Best of luck on your journey :flowerforyou:

    Friend request sent :smile:
  • k2charmed4u
    k2charmed4u Posts: 282
    You're definitely in the right place as long as you have the motivation and will power to log your day honestly you're half way there the other half is getting the right friends with similar goals to help keep you going. :flowerforyou:

    I joined a few years ago and lost 56lbs with the support on here. I didn't log for about a year and put 48lbs back on :grumble: I started up again last week and i've lost 4lbs! I :heart: MFP :love:

    Welcome! :happy:
  • vanderandkarl
    good luck you will like it here and there is loads of support and advice here for the asking
    i have sent u a friends request x
  • KarinFit4Life
    KarinFit4Life Posts: 424 Member
    What I wish I knew when I started MFP.....

    Good luck!! You can do this!

  • juleszephyr
    juleszephyr Posts: 442 Member
    Hi, and welcome to MFP.
    Please don't be scared we are all here to support you. I also have lost a lot of weight and now maintained for 4 years. I have lost 8 stone in total and now maintain at about a BMI of 24.
    I like you have tried every diet under the sun and find they are ok for losing weight but fall short on the maintenance long term. MFP is great for keeping track and advise and if you are really keen you can get a fitbit!!
    Please feel free to add me as a friend.
    I am just about to turn 45 with two small children and find maintaining my weight a daily struggle
    Good luck!!! Jules xx
  • foxbat2828
    foxbat2828 Posts: 391 Member
    What I wish I knew when I started MFP.....

    Good luck!! You can do this!


    ^^^ This

    Eating healthier doesn't mean deprivation. The biggest thing that I realized in my transformation is that every other time I'd tried, I kept telling myself "no." "No you can't eat that," "no you'll never be able to have that again in your life," "no, you can't even have one cookie," "no, you can't have a bun with your hamburger," "no, no, no ..." After a while, it just tends to drag on you and that's usually the end. Once I figured out that it didn't have to be two shakes and a "sensible meal" that would starve a mouse, life's been so much better.

    Hang in there ... make it a game and try to see how you can say "yes" rather than "no" without wrecking the plan ... and read, read, read. That Eat More, Weigh Less idea sounds counter-intuitive, but take a look at it. It works for lots of people here on MFP and I also think it does a great job of already helping you transition into what you'll be doing for the rest of your life after you lose the weight ... after all, no one wants to be on a diet for the rest of their life ... make it a lifestyle plan rather than a diet plan.